What are the first things you do when you get online?

in #ctp3 years ago

How do you start your online day.png

The great thing about hive is that it unites people from all over the world on a same platform. We live in different corners of this planet and we have our own values, cultures and habits. We would like to learn a bit more about your habits related to your online activity...
How do you start your online day?

For me to start the day, I tend to have breakfast and then I go online and check my mails first. Once I have answered my business related mails, I start my check-list that contains small tasks that I need to do every day. Once I'm through with this check-list, I try to be creative by writing posts or if I don't feel like it, I play Splinterlands...

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How about you? How do you start your day online?

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I have a Trello board containing my daily activities. It starts with several once-a-day crypto earning activities followed by others that occur several times per day. Then I roll into my daily crypto gaming activies followed by content creation and curation. Unfortunately, With the number od hours I have put in at work, being out of town, and other offline activities, I have not been able to complete all of these activities each day.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

It's not always easy to keep our crypto activites going when work comes in. That's something we have to deal with but I believe that in the end it's important to find a good balance between the two that doesn't drive us in a burnout :-)


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my morning -

pee in the house - then
walk the dogs before they pee in the house

i wish i lived in the woods so i could just pee where ever i wanted

make coffee

look at charts to see if i'm a billionaire yet

then it's the daily risingstar try to get to 1,000,000 starbits
followed by the daily splinterlands swearfest

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look at charts to see if i'm a billionaire yet

I'm doing that as well but it seems I'll never get there lol


@rxhector! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @globetrottergcc.

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The first things I do these days are to reactivate the crypto miner on Stormgain and earn some satoshi on Freebitcoin! Then I'll check in on my email, Line and FB accounts. Then, if I'm home all day, I'll check my chess games on Gameknot and make some moves, but if I'm going out I'll save the chess games for my commute!

Thanks a lot for sharing your morning routine!

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I generally check my emails and then check my news feed. Afterwards I go eat, shower and etc. If I have some free time before work then I go to comment or publish my post on HIVE.

I did forget to mention that I make sure to put in my Rising Star mission so I am getting my minutes in for the rankings.

I'm always amazed when I see how many comments you make every day. I thought you didn't have a job lol

I do have one...but its been getting busy so I have been doing less comments lately.


@jfang003! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @globetrottergcc.

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My online day starts with checking my emails as well. This can take quite a bit of time as I sort through it all.

Once I have finished sorting and responding to the most urgent emails, I generally review the newsletters I subscribe to along with seeing what's going on in the world.

Next on my online checklist is going through my crypto accounts. One thing I enjoy doing in the morning is looking for some good trades on Hive Engine. This is usually mixed with learning more about new blockchain projects and/or news.

Thanks a lot for sharing your daily online routine!


@gatticus! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @globetrottergcc.

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Well, I am online as soon as I am done with my breakfast. Starting from checking the email then I like to check the coinmarketcap, usually. Afterward, I start checking the Hive Games I play, Splinterlands, Rsingstargame, and Dcrops. After replying to the comments on my previous post, I start writing a new post. It's almost mandatory to post a day and it's really fun, isn't it?

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How sweet, love to have them, more frequently.


@globetrottergcc, sorry. :(

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@liotes! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @globetrottergcc.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (15/20)

It's definitely fun when you can do the things you like doing and get some income from it :-). Thanks for sharing!

Check e-mails, then check Discord, Peakd, Publish0x, and usually Splinterlands after that :D

Splinterlands seem to have become a major milestone of everybody's online activity :-)

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I have a very specific morning ritual.
My computer has seen better days and it takes a bit to start so I push the power button on it, make myself a cup of coffee and by the time I'm done with that, the computer is usually ready to go.

I then open Brave browser, login to Rising Star and start a mission. Next stop: LeoFinance. I go through my feed there and when I'm done, if there is still time, I check other front ends such as PeakD, PoB and CineTV.

I had the same problem with my computer. Then I bought one with SSD hard disk and it takes 10 seconds to power up. It's a life changer ;-)

Oh yea, I heard those are great and my next computer is definitely going to have one!


@tfranzini! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @globetrottergcc.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (19/20)

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These days I start my day always with the same routine:

  • make coffee
  • drink coffee while smoking check discord on phone check mails on phone check Coinmarketcap on phone
  • drink second coffee
  • check collection value and check rental prices on peakmonsters
  • adjust rental prices
  • check plot price on atomic hub
  • check plot price on hive engine
  • smile
  • check work related email
  • play a few battles
  • work

Man I checked your Splinterlands on Discord and it became quite substantial :-). I neglected the rental market for some time and figured out how to use it with peakmonsters. This has become quite an interesting income source!

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I usually grab my phone when I first wake up. I start by clearing out my emails, which are usually all junk. I then hop on Splinterlands, and start my daily quest. I don’t play any matches yet I just lock in when it refreshes. I then head to Hive to read, and comment on any new posts I find interesting. After that if I still have time I’ll jump on Discord, and catch up on the servers I’m in. Then it’s time to get ready to go to work, so I won’t be online again until later on. !LUV






@liotes, you've been given LUV from @horstman5.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/5)

That's a very good idea to open Splinterlands to lock the daily quest. I tend to loose one quest per season simply because I do them every day a bit later in the day. Thanks for the tip :-)

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Last year, or two, or three? 😎:)
I have a standard habit that when I go online, this is usually every morning, I slowly drink coffee and first check Twitter for news. Then I reply to work emails. After that I review Hive and manually curate what I like. Then I respond to the comments of my posts. If I'm in the office it's on the computer, if I'm on the go it's on the phone.
Now I don't know what I'm addicted to. Is it the internet or coffee? 😁

Now I don't know what I'm addicted to. Is it the internet or coffee?

Haha, I believe it's the combo of them both together (I have a very similar addicition I believe LOL)

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First thing, I grab a cup of coffee then get hive-engine. Since claiming and staking my new tokens do not require me to think, I can do this as I am waking up. This also shows me If I received noise cash payments overnight since I have those going into my hive wallet. I then go to Splinterlands and claim and stake any SPS staking rewards earned. By this time, I am normally awake and start working my email.

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I also like to start with stuff that can be done on autopilote until my brain starts to wake up :-)

In general, I open coinmarketcap and noise.cash on the new tabs. Then I check twitter before I open Brave browser. On Brave, everything is about Hive and games on it. I play Risingstar, Rabona, Splinterlands and check Hive engine. Then, I check Publish0x and Odysee for the trending things. These are the routine things that I always do. After having adequate amount of crypto things, I start dealing with my responsibilities 😅😅

I have a very similar list of websites that I open on my daily check-list ;-).

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Check prices of crypto in general and any new news surround it to give me an idea of todays events. It often gives me ideas to write about for the day and where to invest/move funds. From where I live a lot of the price action happens over night and not so much during the day hours.

I try to avoid all price feeds in the morning to avoid the stress they cause me LOL. What time zone do you live in?

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One of the first online activities I do when I emerge is start a new mission in Rising Star. This I do on my phone before anything. After all, I've got to keep the steady stream of starbits flowing. Then I check the eXode discord to see if Elindos posted any new development updates. After I brush my teeth and such I go down to my computer to check the status of my other crypto games, such as training my Rabona soccer team and harvesting my dCrops. I almost forgot! I also check Peakd for new posts (like this one) and notifications. After that I eat breakfast and then the day's normal activities commence (with other intermittent crypto activities).

It's nice to start the day with all the crypto games on Hive :-). I play them as well but lately my Splinterlands activity has increased a lot and I had to reduce the other ones for lack of time :-)

I can't play too much Splinterlands or else I get angry, haha. Which reminds me, I should play.

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During the day's activities, I take a moment to get my activities online. I start with the Hive network, mostly with Ecency. I see my wallet. New posts for curation. News. Then I play some games, like Splinterlands. If possible I make a post. Then I'll see if you have any work to finish on Google Drive. Basically my online life.







@liotes, you've been given LUV from @matheusggr.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/4)

Thanks a lot for sharing how you start your online day with us!

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Check the weather for that day, check my e-mail. A news website, and then some crypto-related stuff (like hive)

I checked the weather a lot in the past but since I spend most of my days inside, I kind of forgot about it lol. Thanks a lot for taking part!

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My day starts with Coinmarketcap & Hive Engenie. Then Noise.Cash and Splinterlands with morning coffee.

I had coinmarketcap on my daily check-list as well but I realized it just stressed me to look at the prizes and I kicked it out ;-)

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