Today is Day 27 of our adventure!
Two lessons for our Click Track Profit step from the CTPtalk module
Winning by Not Quitting
and Showing gratitude to the people who help you.

Our Click Track Profit step today had two lessons for us to view.
The first was about why we should build our brand and blog on the CTPtalk platform.
One of the biggest reasons to do this is the community. There are many very helpful and supportive people who will welcome you with open arms and start upvoting your content right away.
Yes, you get rewards for creating content and posting it on the blockchain in the form of CTP tokens. The tokens are cryptocurrency that is tradeable 24/ 7/ 365 on the blockchain.
You not only get rewarded for posting your content, you also get rewards for upvoting, sharing and commenting on the content of your fellow community members.

The lesson on logging in to CTPtalk is super important. Pay very close attention!
There is no way to retrieve your passwords and keys on the blockchain!
Nobody owns the blockchain.

I keep mine on a thumb drive.

In our List Nerds step Jon shared an image that he printed out, laminated and keeps by his computer to remind him never to quit.

The only way to succeed is by not quitting.
Keep sending emails to your list and you will get better at it.
Use List Nerds to Practice Writing Emails
I upgraded my List Nerds subscription to the Business Level awhile back.
It allows me to mail everyday and because of that I can test different aspects of my emails.
Which days get more opens?
What subject headings are more attractive?
I can set up emails for every day of the week and they go out automatically.
Then I can take that data and see if the same thing happens when I send out emails to my list in my autoresponder.
And on to our third step of the day!

Thank the people who help you on your journey both online and off!
Showing gratitude is another way to get people to know, like and trust you.
Like I mentioned above, the Click Track Profit community is full of amazing, supportive and very helpful people.
I do my best to make sure they know how much I appreciate their help.
But I do that in my offline life as well.
Because that builds the habit which is an important habit to adopt.
Thank you for reading this blog post!
That is Day 27!
See you tomorrow!
Another great #3SNE post @lisamgentile1961 👍🏽 Great job knocking out Day 27!!
Thanks so much, Jimmy! And today is Day 30! So glad to be in this journey with you! Enjoy your day! 😀
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