Time for the #My1440Mug Wheel Spin

in #ctp4 years ago (edited)

Wheel of Names Entered for the Wheel Spin on 8/15/2021

Vimm.tv at 4:00 p.m. EST This coming Sunday is August 15th so I will be doing another spin of the wheel to see who will win a #My1440Mug this month. I will do it as a livestream on the my1440 channel on

Last night on Thursday Night Live, @jongolson announced a new challenge.

It is a 30 Day Content Creating Challenge with a twist!

Check out the replay here: Thursday Night Live 8/12/2021

We get to both choose the platforms on which we want to engage and we get to plan our own schedule of when where and how we will post content over the next 30 days! There is a pdf in the description that you can download and use to participate yourself.

The reason for this challenge is to stress the importance of staying in front of our audience on a consistent basis.

If we are not then it is difficult for our audience to get to know, like and trust us.

Thirty days is just a start to build the habit. The idea is to keep going after that and build your portfolio of value.

Publish or Perish

Have you ever heard that expression before?

That is something that is heard quite often in academia.

If you are a junior professor trying to get tenure in your university you have to have published research in accredited journals in your field. And not just one or two. Tenure is super difficult to get and the competition is very stiff.

Not only do you have to teach classes in your subject matter, you have to do meaningful research which requires getting a grant and then you need to publish your research results that you have documented.

That is what associate professors have to do to stay in front of their audience which is their Department Chair and other University staff and their students. And this is all after they've earned their PhD by successfully defending a their thesis.

Consistently Creating Content and Staying In Front of Your Audience Everywhere Is Important!

Which is why we have been given the opportunity to participate in the #ctpcontent challenge!

Download the pdf: https://clicktrackprofit.com/v2/uploads/ctp30content.pdf

And get going on your content creation schedule! I will be filling mine in after I finish this post

Have a great rest of your Friday!

See you on the Wheel Spin this Sunday!

Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://my1440.today/2021/08/13/time-for-the-my1440mug-wheel-spin/

It's just hours away for the spin
Fingers crossed 🤞

Thanks for stopping by, @hariton! Your name will be on the wheel every month until you win! Have a great day! 😀

Made in Canva


i assume everyone's name on the list will be added on the wheel for sunday.Best of luck to everyone in the @my1440 list.

Yes, Farhad! And as people win their names come off the wheel so everyone will have a chance at some point! If you buy one it doesn't disqualify you from winning one as well. Have a great day! 😀

Made in Canva


You are correct 😎
No one is missing

Looking forward to you to spin the my1440mug Wheel on Sunday. Glad to see you are taking part in the #ctpcontent challenge. It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with.

Yes, it will be interesting, @darmst5339! I am getting more names on that wheel with people from everywhere. That's really fun! Have a great day and weekend! 😀

Made in Canva
