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RE: The Real Power Of CTP Token

in #ctp5 years ago (edited)

Great post Jon and a great opportunity to really promote the use case for CTP Tokens

I for one as a business owner, went through quite a lull when paypal decided to steal my funds and prevent my sites from doing business with them.

Since the demise of Paypal and other payment processors not being an option for many people all over the world, it was struggle, but I kept my business afloat for 12 months on earning received prior to that.

Jumping into the crypto market and accepting crypto payments was a great boost to my business, that's is sales and purchases, however was still tricky getting coin payment options etc happening and some people just could not get their heads around it.

Hive and subsequently CTP Talk came along , and the Fire-Pay -
Fire Pay allowed us as business owners to have an integrated system to accept payments and make payments using coin payments and as an added bonus, CTP Tokens.

Now this became a fantastic opportunity because as members of CTP talk, we are earning CTP Tokens just for taking part in the community, engaging everyday and connecting with people.

Just for writing blog posts, commenting on Blog Posts and Liking Blog posts we are earning CTP Tokens, and we can use those Tokens to increase our Business budgets because through Fire-Pay we can directly make purchases and sales using CTP Tokens.
This became a big bonus for all Internet Marketers, Business owners Online and Offline, because now all they have to do is write blog posts and they increase their business budget without having to outlay a single cent.

Every business needs advertising, every business needs promoting, every business needs customers, every business needs engagement.

What better way to do it than to promote your profile by being ever present and increase your business capacity.

As a business owner that wants to promote and wants to make sales. This opportunity has been an absolute Boon, and I for one will always herald new opportunities to engage and create greater networks as a way of connecting and engaging.


Absolutely 110%!! I couldn't put it better myself so I 2nd that @russellstockley :)

That's it wrapped up perfectly man...You are the target market we wanted to attract with Fire Pay and CTP Token cause you understood what it was like to have it ripped from under your feet like us..

We wanted to make sure that would never happen again and token owners had 100% control of their funds.

You are right Russell , it must be built on these foundations