I was baffled to hear what a good office chair cost when my boyfriend showed the one the company he worked for sent home during the pandemic. I was amazed and I thought I would never buy one that expensive. Now that I've been working on a shitty chair at a dinner table for quite some time, I have decided differently haha. A good office setting is needed when you are working behind a computer, the back pains I got back after years were so horrible that I really don't want to play with fire by sitting on a shitty chair working again.
Enjoy your new chair!
Oh and to answer your question, since we decided to move back to Spain, I've been budgetting like a queen and as soon as we are settled in our own apartment, I will start budgetting in monthly savings for costs like this. First, I need to know our total monthly costs before I will do so.
Thank you and thank you also for your comment, @thisismylife! Back pain is more than a nuisance. I totally understand needing to get all the necessities and fixed costs organized first once you get settled in. Take Care and Happy Midweek! 😀