Over 2 Decades In Marketing
This simple fact rings true over and over again. When dealing with people, there are 3 things that they will not do. Yes if you are running a business whether on or offline then you are dealing with people.
Having an online business has some advantages because all communication will be digital. This gives some a little more confidence but customer satisfaction with all of the challenges can be a business killer.

The First Thing People Won’t Read That
People will not always read everything you write. This is true. You can craft the most masterful email and boom, they hunt down that credit link and on to the next email. We face a huge disadvantage living in such a colorful age. People's attention is always being fought for.
To win their attention you must shock them with your words. Write something so compelling that even the most seasoned clicker will stop and read the rest of your email. The subject line needs to shock them. Pulling them in regardless of what is going on because your message fixes their problem.

The Second Thing People Won’t Beleive
When they are reading your email, splash page, or lead capture page, regardless most people will not believe what you are writing. This is not a reflection of you. No one is accusing you of not being or having a reputable business. We live in a world that surrounds us with amazing imagery of the impossible. I have heard that Disneyland has these amazing Star Wars-themed rides that feel like the real thing.
We are competing with the most amazing spectacular entertainment the human race has ever produced. As marketers, we really need to do our best to put ourselves out there so that we are recognized. Building trust in this manner will help us to be more believable.
This is a good example that something can sound too good to be true but if it is coming from a family member or a friend we tend to believe the pie in the sky claims. If you are not known you will not be trusted.

The Third Thing People Will Never Buy
If you have handled numbers 1 and 2 properly then 3 will not be nearly as hard as it normally is. Trying to get someone to part with their money is the most difficult thing you have ever done. The person will need to believe that the expense will yield a favorable result.
Take Mcdonald’s the restaurant chain we see all over the world. Anytime you listen to the radio, turn on the TV, or look at your laptop or tablet computer Mcdonald's ads are everywhere. They spend millions of dollars annually to constantly be in front of you. The reason for this is the Marketing execs at McDonald’s know the three things people will never do unless…
Unless is the Key
People never read unless you capture their attention. People never believe unless you are in front of them so often they feel like they know you inspiring their trust. People never buy unless you make them an offer showing them how you have their solution that will yield certain benefits to their life.

Thank you so much for taking the time.
If you are not getting paid daily my Contact Info is below
reach out and we can talk.
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Hey @ghcamry, here is a little bit of from @solymi for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Ya I think that about sums it up. I think being unique is another factor.
I have never felt like I stood out enough. I think being quirky could have its up points.
I have noticed quirky people stand out. and maybe another consideration is confidence.
I have confidence when playing a song on my guitar but much less confidence as a a marketer.
Thanks Tom. I think your self analysis is good. And be you, quicks and all, and that will solve the confidence problem. You may be trying to be something that you're not; if that makes sense. Again, just be you man, cuz that's good stuff!
Congrats on 20 years of marketing!
You deserve some !BEER for the time served 🍺
Listnerds showed me your post so your email worked :)
just like you captured my attention with your title, i was curious to know the three things you learnt😂
Great pointers Rob. Appreciated.
You are quite welcome. Glad you liked the learnings. :)
Great post Rob. Marketing has definitely changed in the last 20 years. !hivebits
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Yeah, in some ways yes, in some no. I think most of the basic principles still hold true Jay. Thanks for checking in!
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Hey @ghcamry, here is a little bit of from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I am not as much a pessimist as you. There is truth in what you say but I don't think never is the word to use, I nobody ever bought none of us would be here.
Is it possible I made a typo Bob?