Not your average Big Bird

in #ctptalk5 years ago (edited)


"Chachalaca sitting in an old orange tree" doesn't exactly have the swing of "kookaburra sitting in an old gum tree" but it was an interesting sight in the rain through the screen. They are larger than your normal tree-dwelling bird between 1 and 2 pounds.. They nest in trees and the young learn to fly by the time they are a week old!! Their raucous cries will waken all but the most determined sleeper... We have had a mated pair (or several of them) since we have lived here and they usually come to the yard with 4 or 5 youngsters during the summer months....

Mama Chachalaca is a prime example of dealing with obstacles... lol... we seldom get torrential rain here in South Texas, but the flora and fauna take advantage of it... "We Will Survive" indeed....

Minor setbacks don't deter the strong, they just make them stronger and more determined. Where are you in your entrepreneurship today?