
Yeah I just got to that step now. I needed to send bnb to trust to swap to BNB Smart chain for the gas, which I then send to my old eth wallet now that I have the smart chain enabled on it. Then I authorised the smart contract on cubdefi, just need to top off wallets of all theses coins to get staking! Thanks this seems legit.

Yeah I did the same exact thing with Trust Wallet. Used it to convert my BNB to the BSC. I also had some TWT that was airdropped to me from Binance so I ended up converting that into BNB also. Used my BNB to buy 25 more Cub tokens while it was around $3.60.

Yeah I am testing it all day and like what I'm seeing! I think BNB is going to 2K too like ETH did! HIVE too, going to 200 - 2k too once we have it all set up!

Yeah I really like what I see with CubFinance before didn’t get into defi because of eth fees but on BSC the fees are low.