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RE: CUB Staking APR Drops Below 1000%

in #cubfinance4 years ago

It certainly does warp out perception of what good returns are. My goal overall this cycle is to get to a point where even at "low" rates I'm making enough off of it passively to live comfortably.

With Cub Defi specifically, so far I would stack CUB and stake it and then I took that to rebuy the coins I used to Invest in it and staked them. Then I'm using those rewards to stack more WBNB and staking that.

After this next runup from the stimulus checks I will move more into stable coins and keep stacking those.


Where do you see cub price going? Will it just hover around $5 or do you see it going up or down? Thanks for turning me onto the platform this is the first staking ive done where ive seen meaningful returns

I think it would go up from looking at Goose Finance / EGG but it is hard to say. At the end of the day I hope it keeps moving up but at this point in my Cub Finance journey I'm not as focused on stacking Cub because the return for it isn't that much better than staking other cryptos at this point.

At this point I more look at it as a magic money printer to stack more ETH, WBNB......etc Then the thought is that will certainly go up as the stimulus checks hit.