ACEH is often the fruit of lips for many people because of the many special things that are stored in this Land of Rencong; whether it is in terms of natural beauty, culture, social characteristics of the people of Aceh and many more that are not owned by other regions in Indonesia. One of them, Aceh is also known as the country of Seribu Warung Kopi. How not, if we visit the most western part of Indonesia it is no wonder we will see unusual scenery like in other places in the world, everywhere we will see a row of coffee shops very much. Banda Aceh, for example, an area that has a number of coffee shops are not few in number.
With unique and unique forms of building and the availability of various features such as Free Wi-Fi, TV, live music and big screen to watch football games make the coffee shop as a hangout that becomes a daily compulsory routine to visit for some young people and people old.
The large number of coffee shops in Aceh with the distinctiveness of Aceh's coffee taste as one of the best coffee flavors in the world has become a major attraction for many people making coffee shops a third place after home and work.
The fact that the coffee shop is not only a place to sip a cup of coffee and then leave, but with its own distinctive feature of making a coffee shop as a place for many people to do various activities, whether to do business, make transactions, meet clients , conducting meetings, or doing college assignments for students. In this context it is no less important function of a coffee shop is as a forum for discussion and the process of information exchange.
The number of creative ideas that started from the coffee shop. The hottest issues about the surrounding environment became familiar discussions at the coffee shop. The freedom that comes from the coffee shop that freely makes us free to talk about anything in this one place. We are free to speak from economic, cultural, legal, social, even to political issues.
According to a survey of the authors own coffee shop in Banda Aceh is a place that is never deserted by visitors, many people coming and going passing out into the coffee shop. Everywhere we see a lot of coffee shops still crowded visitors until the morning. So for my friend from outside who want to go to Aceh could just stay up early in the coffee shop if not have lodging. This one place can also be termed as a hotel with capitalize 5000 to 7000 rupiah.
With the Free Wi-Fi feature so many people forget the time, want to linger in the coffee shop, either just to browse or busy yourself with various social media. It is not a strange thing, today we find some coffee shops are more comfortable and quiet without a whisper of chatter and laughter laugh. Why does this happen? Frequency of people prefer to make social media as a tool to interact with people they may not even know, this makes a reason why this can happen.
According to a survey of the authors own coffee shop in Banda Aceh is a place that is never deserted by visitors, many people coming and going passing out into the coffee shop. Everywhere we see a lot of coffee shops still crowded visitors until the morning. So for my friend from outside who want to go to Aceh could just stay up early in the coffee shop if not have lodging. This one place can also be termed as a hotel with capitalize 5000 to 7000 rupiah.
With the Free Wi-Fi feature so many people forget the time, want to linger in the coffee shop, either just to browse or busy yourself with various social media. It is not a strange thing, today we find some coffee shops are more comfortable and quiet without a whisper of chatter and laughter laugh. Why does this happen? Frequency of people prefer to make social media as a tool to interact with people they may not even know, this makes a reason why this can happen.
In this case, we as educated people are naturally able to choose and sort out which actions we should do. We do not get stuck with the situation and the atmosphere. The existence of a coffee shop should we make as a place to interact and socialize among others so that makes the coffee shop not only as a place to eliminate the feeling of fatigue only.
Make the coffee shop as a place to strengthen our relationship between people. Do not just come, the message of coffee sitting still after that home, without getting something new and useful just because we are more focused on various social media features.
What's wrong when we sit in a coffee shop with friends or colleagues, it's good HP or something that concerns with social media we stop for a moment chatting and laughing fun with friends at the table. This interaction is important in the coffee shop so that the far away so close, and that close not far away.
I love to read post about coffee ,,
Because I am a coffee addict.