Suffice to say, my favorite part of the day would be lunch time.
hahaha, I love recess and lunch time in school and flag ceremony and I wish the principal would announce many things so we don't have to go to the classroom yet.
I have no kids and am happy to be free from parenting - it's a tough job to do. There's no such things as perfect parenting, I guess most parents can only do their best. However, I don't like the idea of spanking I'd definitely spare my kid a rod and give the child a chance of childhood knowing that these days, the game in life has changed even those who graduated from Harvard don't get employed so I'd definitely give my kid more freedom to choose but will surely train him while he's young (from the womb) by reading rational stuff to him haha :D
Did you guys have flag ceremony too?
You sound like you would be a great parent. I too wouldn't spank my children. I grew up with the fear of being caned at school, and I think that's not a way to encourage studious behaviour.
@sweetsssj yes the flag ceremony was the best we could sit on the grass when the principal announces something haha and roll or sleep some more haha
I won't be a parent and I admit being such a strict teacher but then that's what am being paid for - to make sure they study and get whatever they are studying in their head. However, it stops in the class - off the class teachers and parents should actually just let the kids specially the kids play hard, too. IMHO too much pressure makes them a dull kid and sometimes grow up with a Peter Pan syndrome sighs.