PHOTOS / Citizens of Nagan Raya commemorate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW at the Nagan Raya student dorm, Jeulingke, Banda Aceh, Saturday (24/2/2018). @fahzidevano
The Student Association of Nagan Raya Students (Ipelmasra) Banda Aceh, Aceh held the Grand Mufid of Prophet Muhammad SAW with the community on Saturday (24/2/2018).
The event which took place in the dormitory of the daughter of Nagan Raya, Jeulingke, Banda Aceh was also at the same time inaugurated the dormitory.
Amatan location of the event was attended by hundreds of invited guests from various regions both students and the community.
PHOTOS / Three boys are waiting for food at the ceremony commemorating the birthday of the prophet. @fahzidevano
Chairman of Ipelmasra, Mutawali, said that with the moment of this mawlid, the students are asked to be closer to the community by keeping in touch with the people. In addition, said Mutawali, the Government of Nagan Raya has started to open space for students.
"This is in line with our Government's slogan of strengthening religion and safeguarding the culture," he said while giving a speech.
So in the moments of the mawlid, he asked the students to better maintain ethics and morals. Because students are educated people.
Mutawali also recounted the moment of the celebration of the great prophet this year is very thick with the culture of Nagan Raya, even some of the food directly brought from Nagan Raya District.
"Maulid this time we wear the traditional custom of Nagan Raya, and salted eggs directly brought from Nagan to enliven this Akbar mawlid," he said.
PHOTO / Citizens are waiting in line to take rice at the ceremony commemorating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW at the student dormitory of Nagan Raya, Jeulingke, Banda Aceh, Saturday (24/2/2018). men and women are separated. @fahzidevano
It is known that the construction of a Nagan Raya princess dormitory costing Rp 7 billion was a single aid provided by one of the members of Aceh's House of Representatives (DPRA), Abdullah Saleh.
"This is the help given by Abdullah Saleh through his aspirations," said Mutawali.
PHOTOS / A child is holding a rice wrapped in banana leaves. The function of Banana leaf is an aroma in the rice itself that has become a culture for the people of Aceh, especially Nagan Raya in commemorating the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the student dormitory Nagan Raya, Jeulingke, Banda Aceh, Saturday (24/2/2018). men and women apart. @fahzidevano
Meanwhile, the Regent of Nagan Raya, Jamin Idham, conveyed to the students of Nagan Raya to provide a good example of the community.
"In the moments of the mawlid of this prophet let's follow in the footsteps of the apostles," he said.
Regarding the inauguration of the Nagan Raya girls' dormitory, Jamin Idham greatly appreciated the help given by members of the DPRA, Abdullah Saleh who was given through the funding of those aspirations.
"We, the Nagan Government, are grateful for the assistance of Nagan Raya dormitory," he said.
PHOTO / Togetherness behind the meaning of commemorating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW at the student dormitory Nagan Raya, Jeulingke, Banda Aceh, Saturday (24/2/2018). men and women apart. @fahzidevano
To the students, continued Jamin, who will keep the dormitory expected to keep the dormitory well, because this dormitory is very active role in advancing education.
"For example for students who are less able to lighten the burden," he said.
Hopefully the cultural story that I tell in the form of photos and text is useful for the citizens of steemit. thanks by Fahzian Aldevan / @fahzidevano
Bereh that bang, tradisi mauleud nagan
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