In Yoruba: Ile la’ti n ke’so r’ode
English Translation: Charity begins at home
This adage is used to remind people, especially parents, that good manners in public is a product of good home training.
It is mostly recited when people wants to throw disses at parents of randy children.
Whenever I seen parents try frantically in public places (like parks, malls, eateries, etc) to control their children’s embarrassing behavior, I just think to myself – you could have saved yourself that embarrassment if you had just put in the effort to train them ahead of time. Even the Bible said, train up your child in the way he should go and when he grows, he will not depart from it.
I just want to implore us as parents to always put in that extra effort to teach our kids social etiquettes at home, so that they will know how to properly behave and comport themselves in public. It might not be easy or convenient, however, the long-term reward will be worth the effort.
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