Dozens of Almarkazul Islami Elementary School (SD) IT students from Dayah Tahfidzul Quran Islamic Center of Lhokseumawe City visited the Tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh in Gampong Beuringin, Samudera Subdistrict, North Aceh, Saturday 24 February 2018.
The group of students was accompanied by the board of teachers of the school. In addition, Central Information For Samudera Pasai Heritage (CISAH) also helped accompany in the reflection of the history of Pasai Ocean in the Tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh.
Chief Executive Officer Muhammad Rajib, said the event aims to give children an understanding of the history of Sultan Malikussaleh. This is very important to shape the character of Aceh's future generation better, they should know about the history of Pasai Ocean start early and especially for elementary school children (SD).
"Because some of them are not yet aware of Aceh's history, today we show them directly to Sultan Malikussaleh Mausoleum and Sultanah Nahrisyah Tomb," said Muhammad Rajib, Saturday 24 February 2018.
"In the process of teaching and learning we also provide knowledge about the history and culture of Aceh with local content, so that children can get to know the heroes especially in Aceh.This pilgrimage pilgrimage will be done for students of elementary and junior high school diruanglingkup Dayah Tahfidzul Quran Islamic Center, "said Muhammad Rajib.
He continued, Sultan Malikussaleh is the founder of the Islamic Kingdom of Samudera Pasai, Meurah Silu, who holds Malik as-Saleh or known as Malikussaleh. He recorded the first king of Pasai Ocean Kingdom who once spread Islam in Southeast Asia around the year 1270-1297 AD.
For that, the young generation of Aceh must know the glorious history and do not let people domiciled in Aceh but he did not know the development of history in the area.
"We also hope that the local government (Pemda) to preserve this cultural heritage site should not be seen neglected as lack of care." For the future, the government will restore the site more, the aim is to attract the attention of the community both inside and outside area so that the tourists will be more increased to visit the tomb of our hero, "said Rajib.
Meanwhile, Secretary of Central Information For Samudera Pasai Heritage (CISAH), Mawardi Ismail, added that his side saw in terms of restoration of cultural heritage sites, especially in the complex of the tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh and Makan Sultanah Nahrisyah is now sufficient, it just needs to be improved again in its preservation attracted the attention of the visitors, because on holidays such as Saturday and Sunday very many people who pilgrimage to the tomb of the hero of Aceh.
"If in terms of infrastructure development is adequate, but also needs to be organized more regularly, because, when compared with cultural heritage sites outside the area is very different, meaning more organized in its management, this comparison is a change also for our own region especially North Aceh, "said Mawardi.
According to Mawardi, in terms of public facilities in the complex of the tomb complex must be adequate, it also hopes to the Regional Government (Pemda) through the relevant agencies should be consistent in terms of management of historical sites in Pasai Ocean.
"It means do not let the people who have the spirit to make a pilgrimage to the sultan's grave, due to inadequate facilities so that visitors will decline, surely we expect the best for the future, because it is very important for future generations of Aceh in order to get to know about this history , "he said.