Still laughing my arse off.... Product of the 1950's I do not recall this lifestyle one iota with my mother nor grandmother.
Perhaps an American Dream with a handful of extremely rich housewives on this side following after reading imported magazines, definitely not found in the average home.
Pipe dreams conjured up by men.... All is equal in love and war.
Howdy joanstewart! I hope you are right, I hope this was not really the way it was, it sure wasn't in our family. I think the author was trying to influence wives after his own twisted sense of superiority. It's a demonstration of how far we've come though. A magazine printing even a watered down list today would be out of business tomorrow. lol. Pipe dreams, that's a good one, I like that! Thanks so much for the great comment!
My mom went back into bookkeeping position when I was about 5 years old with two older brothers, a younger sister. We had chores and homework to do before joining up with friends to roam till parents got home at the end of the day. Early years we never had a telephone, so yes, different life, different times.
I never witnessed a life as mentioned in this magazine, have seen similar and always chuckled thinking how audacious and stupid the whole concept was.
How interesting joanstewart, so you were working and learning responsibility at a very young age and it was normal for back then. That is excellent. Oh yes, this list is so stupid it's hilarious!
Being a family, everyone pulled their weight from a young age, and no pocket money or bribery offered either.
Actually mom never cooked, dad was the chef I learned from him. Mom mainly sewed all our clothing, linen, curtains, whatever was required in the home, each to their own.
Wow that is very interesting and cool joanstewart! Your dad did all the cooking and everyone worked together and the kids got no allowance for their work which in today's society would almost be considered child abuse!
Ha ha - no bribery and corruption, chores were the accepted way of life, each had their own to do and were answerable at the end of the day. Many hands make light work....
Yes, I was raised on the farm the same way. I don't think many are raised that way anymore, at least not over here.