an interesting post today, @slowwalker, regarding turning the wheel of Dharma.
The teachings of Buddha are not meant to be merely recited, or 'turned' but to be realized in one's consciousness.
I see this practice as mystical and not at the heart of what Buddha taught although some will argue that illiterate people can't read the mantras and turning the wheel substitutes for reciting the texts.
But these same people claim that if an insect flew into the shadow of the turning wheel it would be blessed, the same as a turning water wheel blesses the surroundings etc. I see this as mysticism in much the same way as the simple philosophy of Lao Tzu has been turned into a mystical religion.
This is simply my point of view and if anyone disagreed I'd simply tell them to continue on their way and be blessed :)
As for the elaborate paintings of the wheel, they did bless me - so lovely and colourful!
Thank you so much for your comment as always
Buddhism is pure and free from miss concepts.