Budaya Indonesia

in #culture7 years ago

Jeparing gaya Mataram, dilakukan dengan duduk bersila ini sesuai dengan tata krama adat jawa.
Jarak memanah dari tempat duduk sampai sasaran memanah 35 meter, busur ditarik kearah dada dengan posisi busur tidur (horizontal, tangan kanan menarik tali busur sedangkan tangan kiri memegang busur. Bahan dasar pembuat busur adalah bambu.

Jeparing style Mataram, done by sitting cross-legged in accordance with the customs of Java. ![2018-02-04_10.20.28.jpg]() Arrow distance from the seat to the target of 35 meters of archery, the bow is drawn towards the chest with the position of the bow sleep (horizontally, the right hand pulls the bowstring while the left hand holds the bow.The basic material of the bow is bamboo.

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.

this months #culturevulture challenge.