I think our perspective on western society is closer to admiration. We use the words they use and change the shop names in english. We also think every product from the west is good and expensive, but this is definitely wrong. We have to stay critical about the things we accept. The best thing we can do is accepting the cultures of other countries based on the culture of our country.
There is a need to change our perspective on western society. For example, when we compliment each other we say stuff like "Your skin is so pale, you look like a westerner"
and this expression shows western chavinism. Eliminating these expressions one by one will help our minds be more equal.
I don't know where to start but I think most of western society is living off the past era of imperialism. It is quite funny that a country that doesn't care that much about human rights are making hero moview. Of course there could be western countries that were the victims of imperialism, but this is my general perception on them. Also I'm pissed off that their reaction on racists or rising sun flags are like 'why so sensitive?' If there is an insensitive person on racism, they are the racists and if there are people not against the rising sun flags, aren't they mental?
Even if I am mad over the racism, their reactions would be :) it was a joke. They also say stuff like 'I am discriminated too so don't curse at me' when they are living in the first world countries. Racism is not a joke. The rising sunflags are fucking stupid. Design wise, the buddhist cross is more beautiful but do you guys fucking know about buddhism? I can't stop cursing on this subject. I don't understand why they think of us as foreigners when they killed the native people and they're living there like an intruder in the house. They are the foreigners of their country too.
To list the shitty things just makes me suicidal, so that's a good place to stop. That's why I ignore people saying ni hao~ on the streets. I don't care bout other things, but the TIFF in their local area is great. What would it feel like if the Beatles were singers of my country? I want to go to the Cavern club too. What would it feel like to know that there are plenty of words to degrade others but not much to degrade me? I'm curious.
We normally think they are free and that western people have big reactions. When I meet foreign friends, I realize they have a different sense of humor. Especially when our english professor tried to be funny. That was kind of hard to react. There are cultural differences in the background. It's hard to understand each other unless I spent a lot of time with them but we will be able to understand each other eventually.
I haven't met lots of them so it's hard to be sure bout them but there is definitely a difference starting from eating and cultural difference. Of course in their eyes we would be different too. They think Koreans wear nice clothes. Respect towards each other's culture is the most important thing.
Their facial features are very various and strong so that it’s fun to draw. Sounds weird but the most exciting thing when I’m going travel was taking Sunglasses and observing people’s face. I’ve been in wonder to see Western face because I have already got used to Eastern face. So that makes me have fantasy they would live different life with my life. But I have already lived in America, and the most certain thing I learned through west-Europe travel was people lives are the same wherever we go. So I thought the life of Korea is not that different with them. But I guess the reason their own color is strong and having spare in mind is that they didn’t spend time like Korean’s college entrance exam.
As I tour Western countries, I felt the obvious difference between Eastern and Western building. Of course each country has own unique characteristic, But overall, it has colorful decoration and huge grandeur.
In Contrary, Eastern country where I’m living has plain and simple style. The first impression of Duomo cathedral in Italy was a big shock to me. So I feel like Korean pillar’s non-processed log made to emphasize nature’s texture was shabby. Not every Eastern buildings are like that, but soon I realized that concept in Eastern country is meaningful. Also, Western country tend to depict the object itself, so it looks like real life, but Eastern country tend to depict the object’s atmosphere more, so it looks like the mood artist trying to express.
In Conclusion, there is difference between West and East countries, because each country has developed under different concept. But people has been doing cultural, social, informational exchange together, so it’s becoming unobvious.
I think that western society is both better and worse, with both having flaws and benefits that depend on the person. After living in Korea for over a year I think that western society is more equal. It's not perfect by any means, but it is more equal.
Whether between men and women, elderly and young, or employed and unemployed. I also think the west is less consumer based (although definitely still very consumer focused). Lastly, I think western cultures are far more independent than the korean culture for children. While none of these (except equality) are a bad thing, it's just a difference. But the west is so many places, and honestly they vary so much.
After meeting lots of foreign friends, I've realized I have lots of Korean attributes when I thought my mindset was closer to a western one. They are much more individualistic. Could be rational, but it's quite cold. But they are far more open minded and accepting when it comes to differences. But they do seem to have a thing for masculinity. Why do people seperate between male shampoos and female shampoos in western society? I don't get it.
In my past years, I've thought they would be more cool and open minded, due to the media that portrays them in that way. But these days, my perception of them changed due to my friends who went abroad. I'm thinking they are a bit scary. I've drank and had fun with my friends over 12 p.m. and it's such a rare thing for them to do! And all the racist stories that they tell me changed my ideas about them.