[Korea College Club Q&A] Homeschooling vs going to school. What's your choice?

in #culture7 years ago

Korea College Club



Homeschooling VS Going to school, what's your choice?



I prefer home schooling, though it may be harder to develop your social skills like you could in school. But if the kid can't adjust to the school life, it's just a waste of time, for he/she will feel guilty and alone. Those experience will leave mental scars that will last forever.

The way of education should vary from person to person. I think home schooling could help the kid develop their interests. It's almost impossible for a teacher to find a student's talent because there are so many kids in one class. In this case, the kid's potential could be ignored.



I can’t answer this question for sure because I haven’t experienced homeschooling before. But I don’t think it’s a bad method considering bullying. However, it’s not ideal for everyone thinking about the amount of parents who may be educated enough or have the appropriate endowment to teach their kids. There are also cases of couples both working full time jobs for a living, and homeschooling is nearly impossible for them. However, the benefit is that the kids won't be bullied.

Because parents want the best for their kids, if they were to choose homeschooling to match their kid’s aptitude, it could be good for education.

If I were to do homeschooling, I would want to be surrounded by nature where all electronic devices are far away and out of sight. I think homeschooling may not work for every person, but we tend to see it positively, for successful examples of homeschooling are prevalent.

Through discreet consideration, we should consider homeschooling. If the agenda is asking: “Should everyone homeschool?" I would disagree, but if it were: “Should we do homeschooling selectively?” Whatever the resuts are, I will agree because it has its own advantages and disadvantages.



I thought a lot about this, but If I had the chance to choose in the past, I'd still go to school. Homeschooling is good because you can learn what you actually want, but when I think about the good times and friends in my middle and high school years, I think going to school was a good option. Studying at school until night time, participating in marathons and singing contests were memories I'll never forget. Those friends are my kind of people that will last forever.

If I choose home schooling, I'll have to lose all of these opportunities. School is not just a place for studying but it's a place for learning how to live with others. I think I could do other things to learn the stuff I actually want. I'd prefer sending my kid to school than home schooling if I have a kid later.



I think that both have their benefits and it depends on what you prefer. Normal schooling provides a more structured environment where you learn fixed things, you don't really have a choice. On the other hand, home schooling is great for freedom and being able to study what you want, what interests you.

I think that this is important, as without interest, there is no motivation. As long as basic things like math, science, history, and language are covered, people should be free to learn what they want I think. Going to school is also a great experience though, and it allows you to meet many people that you may not otherwise meet.



A quote from the book 'Wicked' left a deep impression on me. When the green skined Elphaba was born, one of the parents said "Let's raise this kid in the house." and the other one said "It needs to adjust to the cruel world." I agree with the latter.

The world isn't picture perfect. It's full of evil people that will willingly stab our backs. I've encountered all sorts of evil in middle school, and for the best or for the worst, I think all of that made me wiser as a person. I'd make my kid go to school if I ever have one in the future.



I like school. I think school teaches how to socialize with other kids, and it's not only about stacking up knowledge. We get a wider point of view about friendships by socializing with others. Homeschooling can make people socialize with each other, but a direct experience and an indirect one is different.



I think it's too early to do home schooling. Fast changes result in dangerous results. In my opinon, people can learn more than education in school, such as socializing and adjusting to reality.



I am for homeschooling.
Most of the people who are against homeschooling argue that the kids will be less social than the ones that go to school. But this is not reasonable. I admit going to school can make you socialize with various kinds of people, but meeting a diversity of people does not always end up in good results. It could end up in bullying. In my experience, my teenage years were the most emotionally sensitive years, trying to find who I truly am. But I also want to forget my middle school years because of the bullies making the others not want to go to school. Socializing can be done through club activities or other academies. This is the biggest reason why I am for homeschooling. If the kid doesn't really think school is meaningful, it would be a waste of time. For these reasons I don't think going to school means a lot. Are the memories of getting punished at school travels meaningful? If I had an opportunity to choose between the two, I'd choose homeschooling.