You make some very good points. It is true that a minority can ruin things for the majority. I enjoy associating with people that are striving towards altruistic behaviour and who make efforts to apply the "Golden Rule".
I have read that here on Steemit users of this social media platform are, on average, far less trolling than on other social media sights. One reason put forth for this phenomenon is the reputation system. Have you observed this as well?
I think that you are being extremely over optimistic when you say "a minority can ruin things for the majority".
Unfortunately, it is the majority of humans who cannot act in all circumstances altruistically, or for the benefit of the overall whole. Narrow self interest is the rule, not the exception.
oh it's amazing to find old phone booths turned into mini libraries
here they have that too
but like small houses on the side of the road with a glass door and anyone may just take any book or lend its up to them
or add new ones
in the club where i do the organic gardening they have them there in the gate before the Romanian Garden but I have never checked them books out
I'm an OC - i'm scared hahahahah
like sheldon - waahhahaha
the whole world is reading this
good night Old Dawg
tonight am sleeping very very happy and younger from LOLing
Thanks for your cool comment. You appreciate books, organic gardening, and phone booths....fabulous!
You're pretty reputable yourself, Old dog. Might want to start trolling more.