Gotong royong is an Indonesian term to work together to achieve a coveted result. The term is derived from gotong meaning "to work", and royong means "together". Pondok Pesantren Basis Of Islamic Of Student Of DARUL 'ULUM Tanoh Mirah Bireuen Aceh-Indonesia, working together to build class and dormitory, all santri participate in this gotong royong activity, "indeed this is a builder's job, but what's wrong with us help for our own cottage "said an enthusiastic Sr. School Student in this gotong royong, they helped lift the bricks. karna gotong royong is a concrete evidence of a boarding school in the community, hopefully in this gotong royong activities make students who care about each other and the surrounding environment.AAMIIN
Gotong-royong as a social solidarity that occurs in the life of the community, especially those who form the communities.
Goals and Benefits of Gotong Royong in Different Lives
Gotong royong has many benefits for the life of society. There are 10 benefits of gotong royong that I present and summarized through several sources. Among them is I will review as follows.
- Grow solidarity and togetherness
- Increase work productivity
- Saves time and labor productivity
- Encourage the spirit of kinship
- Strengthen unity and unity
- Strengthen the ropes of brotherhood
- Helping human beings who need help or help
- Can lighten the hard work becomes light and quickly resolved
- Can cultivate the life of society, berbagsa and state
- the last one is to get reward from Allah SWT
Thus the article on Understanding Gotong Royong and Examples In Various Life. As I have explained above examples gotong royong in community life, family and school. Hopefully useful for those of you who read. And increasingly increasing us to the awareness of the importance of mutual help in daily life. thanks.
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hi @minnowpond why my level is from 38 so 9 what is the problem? thank you