Of course I will do the service. "Here lies Lord Fluffton, rowdy redneck who very rarely made any sense but somehow fumbled his way through"
#backboris mate, he's the saviour, some sort of test tube marriage with your commander by the looks of it with that hair!
You know me Lord Janton, I don't care much for "news" so have no idea what you're talking about (again). I'm just thinking of my next travel destination 😉
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lol! I love the eulogy sir nickyhavey. I'd rather be lucky than good anyday and my work shows it. lol.
Dang, it's a miracle you even know about the new Prime Minister! His hairstyle might become all the rage, you might want to consider copying that!
Haha, everyone knows Boris, he's quite a character! I'm going to colour my hair right now
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haha! oh so you DO know something about politics!! I was beginning to wonder if you even knew what country you were in? Such as it is. The Late Great empire. lol.
Well I've traveled in so many countries this year it's hard to know where I am lol!
Hey, you got a nice upvote on this one Lord Janton.
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Howdy today sir nickyhavey! You are just a child of the world. lol. What nice upvote? That's the fake bought and paid for upvote. Mr. fake here, remember?
Thanks Lord Janton... Don't know what you mean but thank you lol.
Ah yea. You might as well get them while you can before hf21 hey!
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