Mornin’ Cowboy! Whoever wrote that in 1955 is quite the comedian. Number 14 and 18 really irked me. 😂
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Mornin’ Cowboy! Whoever wrote that in 1955 is quite the comedian. Number 14 and 18 really irked me. 😂
lol! Howdy redheadpei! I know, I am hoping that this was way exaggerated to get attention but maybe I'm being naive. Numbers 14 and 18 are extremely outrageous, that would never fly. I don't think that would ever fly back then even. I think the author was a real dirtbag sexist and hoping he could do some influencing.
It is logical that women who are stay at home wives would have a decent meal and a clean home for their husband to come home too after a day’s work. Or vice versa if the husband is the stay at home partner.
In those days, when the article was written, not many women worked outside the home.
Howdy redheadpei! yes, good points. Some of the list is logical and practical.. like it makes sense to have dinner about the time he got home. But the attitude of the rest is insane! I'm sure couples were more realistic than that.
It’s a wonder the writer didn’t say the wife should gladly submit to a beating by her spouse. It wasn’t until 1920 that wife beating was illegal in all States.
I saw a survey where one out of three women have been abused or forced into sex by someone they know.
Physical violence is only one part of domestic abuse: abusers often use other means like isolation, threats to family members and pets, controlling of personal finances and psychological abuse to hurt their victims.
I’ll stop as I’m going off into a rant. I know men have been subjected to the same violence.
Yes men have had the same treatment but very rarely. Yes I know, I'm all too familiar with dozens of forms of abuse. That is such an interesting statistic you stated though, about it not being illegal to beat your wife until 1920! Wow. That tells you how backward and primitive we were back then!