Dont be too fast to kill others.

in #culture7 years ago (edited)

There is no sin in disagreeing with people about their ideological and cultural differences but it is sinful to hate people based on who they are. We don't have to celebrate other people's culture and modus vivendi, but we must respect their way of life and value-sets as far as they do not impact negatively on people's wellbeing. Some like foofoo, some like EBa and others like hamburger. There should be no fight, it is only a matter of taste and cultural background. If I do not agree with everyone, what makes me feel everyone should agree with me? If I don't like other people's food, why should everyone like my food? If I do not speak everyone's language, what makes me think everyone should speak my language? The problem is the pride in us. Some of us feel they are better than others. So we judge people at the slightest opportunity without seeking to understand them. We rush to condemn their way of life without taking the time to know where they come from and what makes them the people they are. We would do better in our relationship with others if we take the time to think of what matters to them as we think of what matters to us. If you would like to be responsibly free, allow people the same respect. Our cultural differences are colorings in God's creative artwork that makes our world such a beautiful place. It is called diversity and it is meant to be a blessing not a curse. We are meant to be brothers and sisters irrespective of who we are and where we come from. Any other things is an aberration.Image credit,payobill.boy-509488__340.jpg