I like to take the portraits not front but from the behind.
It seemed that the appearances from behind told so many things to me.
Taking the pictures, I have guessed their lives, agonies, sorrow and pleasure.
Here I show you some photos.
old men from the behind
young persons from the behind
I ‘d like to contrast between young and old.
What do you feel ?
Mostly I felt loneliness from old men, vivid vitality from young ones.
But time from young to old was incredibly short.
Life is but a moment staying for a while.
From the old men, I had a sense of their awareness of time being short.
The young men, it was that, they have a lot of time.
Truth is as you said. But before the young figure it out, their time will be short.
Enjoy the journey!! Thank you @slowwalker, very interesting post!!
Thank you for your comment
im in my 40's sometimes walking a block seems like a mile walking uphill, whats happening, whats with this I try to figure it out, when i travel to another place far away, it does not happen much, is this what you call from behind, its interesting because then gradually it starts again few days a week, is this old age starting, in the 40's seems kind of too much to handle to be honest!
you are a great observer of people and things, @slowwalker, that is why you stand far off to see things better.
Did you ever think our minds are like this--like the headlight on a train, turned outwards, not back on ourselves?
All our dreams and memories are filled with other people and their lives.
A very simple, yet profound observation, my friend.
Thank you for your comment
your comment make me think alot
each one of your posts is different, @slowwalker, filled with the wonder and joy of life
Although many 아줌마 and 아저시 have suffered a lot during the wars or during the poverty years they remain positive and strong in mind. Guess this flexibility also is one of the good things of the Korean people and what makes Korea as it is now.
Hmmmmm......life they say has so many meanings and if you dont get the right nurturing t you wouldn't be able to live it to your expectancy. Being young doesn't mean you gonna stay that till eternity so its wirth planning for the future and untill you know this you wouldn't appreciate it. Lobe the photography
Nice. But the last one I think its not the old man :D
a man with the pole
At times young is the potrait of the old. I liked your thought on seeing yourself from behind @slowwalker
Nice point of view :) time passes by really fast...
Thank you
Interesting perspective. Enjoying your photo-blog!
Thank you so much
thats our future
great job keep it up
I like your new take on live photography. Incredibly interesting change in perspective, to view one from behind.
I would say that in the photographs of the elderly, I noticed their posture most. Worn and curved with time, but more thoughtful than ever. To stare at ones feet while walking seems contemplative. I like that.
The youthful photographs show more determined figures. Facing forward, busy with the day, looking upward and engaging with technology. Buzzing with life and promise.
This says much about the stages in life. Excellent project and observation.
Now try taking photos head on. You'll find it's better for your photography and social skills. Don't say you like people's backs better. It's really hard (for myself as well), but is what makes a great photograph!
Look at @chrissymchavez for inspiration - he followed this advice and became an excellent street photographer. Even though I've been taking street photos for quite some time (and consider myself a street photographer), he impressed me how quickly he got over his fear of facing people and starting posting some excellent work!
Thank you
No problem - and thanks for voting on my railway station tower photos :)
That's a pretty interesting take on life. I guess photos taken this way will add a sense of mystery to the subject. Makes us wonder about their day/life.
I love these pictures you can tell alot from how they're walking or sitting very nice slowwalker!
thank you for reading
Truth of life
We dont realized that how the time passes
Nice post
Yes, time flies
young man is just in young age ,
and old man just lost his young age.
i can say to young man : be grateful
tnx for good post
i hope you will check my last post
I like it^^
Upvote & ResteemCool photo from you @slowwalker
Interesting post. I know a lot of older people where I work, and they all seem lonely because they are alone. A lot elderly people seem to be abandoned as they get older here in the United States. Love the photos. @slowwalker, Steem On!
thank you @runridefly
Life is short. Is there a next destination, a meaningful picture
life after death ?
Yes. Life after death ... Will we be happy as we are today
Story and best photo
Loved seeing you photos
I am taking a cup of coffee :)Thank you @coffeetime
Nice photos!
Thank you so much
Nice pictures!
Its good to see life from different areas of the world.
Yes, that's right
beautiful piece and i didnt know what it was all about until i read and read again.
Thank you for your visiting
We are all foreigners
Very interesting article. Great work!!!
Thank you :)
Very original, moral is: just cover your back while you are young and dont shit your life :-)
I really don't understand why this is interesting. that said, I keep revisiting each photo! thank you for sharing this on steem!
Thank you for your reading
hahaha this is nice, love those last 3 shots. It gives me also an idea on what to shoot next time. Maybe I will give it a shot in monochrome. Good stuff you have here!
Thank you
A very interesting approach. Now I will try to remove people from a different angle, in a new way. That's very different and looks we are trying
to imagine the appearance of the person, to reflect on its characteristics, to determine the nature.
Very clever.
Life indeed is short . Appreciate your time on Earth while you still can
You are a story teller of the life. Like to have you to share more.
뒤에서 찍은 사진을 보니 평소와는 많이 다른 느낌이드네요.
성공한 인생이란 덜 외롭게 지내다 가는 것이 아닐까요.
자신 주변 사람들이 어떤 사람들인지가 행복에 중요한 요소인 것같습니다.
좋은 글 , 사진 감사합니다.
Thank you
저 역시도 사람들의 뒷모습을 많이 보게 되더군요.
앞 모습보다 뒷모습에서 더 많은 것이 느껴 질때가 있습니다.
특히 저희 아이들 사진들을 보면 뒷모습을 담은 사진이 유독 많은데.
그 사진을 볼때 더 마음한구석이 짠해 지더라구요.
어느새 무럭무럭 자라고 있는 모습을 말이죠
진정한 삶이란 우리 앞에 항상 있지만 우리 눈에 보이지 않는 것 같습니다.
Oh! so simple.....Great post.
Thank you
hey @slowwalker, love the photos. I use to take photos from behind people and while I thought some looked good i actually felt it was mostly because I was too shy to go up to them and take front on portraits. Since I've got into portraiture I feel that capturing the emotion in someones eyes and the contours of their face is well worth trying as well.
There are many way to express human feeling.
Nice idea. Upvoted and resteemed :-)
Thank you
This is more interesting! I agree
Thank you
you are right because this gives a wider view that's why I liked it
Thank you
you are welcome
Cool idea)
Amazing job)
Keep it up)
Thank you
from the young to the old..
I always look to people when walking behind them. And sometimes I see vitality in the old ones, a straight posture that make me feel like this is how I want to grow old. And I see young, absent people, full of worries and ignoring everything surrounding them. My grandma (97 years old) will always say: the good days are yet to come:) She is quite a model for me on what being old should be like.
Great pics! I live in Busan :)
life is... shortstory
nice pic...
할머니와 같이 사는데
할머니와 같아 안살았다면 우리 할머니의 뒷모습도 짠했을까 생각드네요. 평소에 할머니께 잘 해드리지 못했는데 앞으로라도 효도 해야겠습니다. 많은 생각을 갖게 해주는 포스팅이네요...
From behind almost all the old people are looking the same! Anyway, you have done some quality pictures!
An interesting question you asked @slowwalker! I think they are different in their posture! This is a confidence from what you are moving and know where! But it's good that at any age you can save this posture, knowing where you are going!
We can feel the pressure and struggles the old men felt in the way they bend while walking. Their life struggles would have affected the way they stand but can never break them down. That's what i learn looking at those pics...