This Tombstone Has It's Unique Style

in #culture8 years ago

There are a lot of historical stone monument in Korea. There are 3 kinds of monument roughly speaking. The first one is tombstone. The second one is monument for special historical event. Last one is the monument in honor of government official, for example governor and so on.

Today I’d like to post about the tombstone.

The meaning of the Tombstones seems to have a same meaning all around the world. The tombstone was built to commemorate the dead. So when I see the tombstone, I feel some strange feeling from my deep inside. Especially while seeing an old tombstone, that make me think again the meaning of life.

This tombstone was built more than 600 years ago. Its head was unique style compare to other common tombstone in Choseon Dynasty

close shot of the head part

common style

The common style’s head is similar to the roof of the traditional house.

Normally in tombstone, the name and the official position in government of husband and the family name of the wife was engraved. The First name of the wife was not written.

Interest thing is the name of the second wife was written in the case the husband married second time only when his first wife was dead.

The owner of this tombstone had had 2 wives.
The second wife had the same right as the first wife.
It was the first time for me to look at this style of unique head part. I don’t have any idea until now from where this tombstone was influenced.

Thank you for reading.

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Very nice!

It looks like those places I've seen in some Korean movies lol. That's pretty nice and I'm quite a jealous though lol

You might wanna check my recent post about Watermelon seeds, never thought these seeds has great health benefits. I used to throw them ;) Upvoted and I'm following you now ;)

This looks really interesting!

That is really interesting!

That is an interesting point. It seems that tombstones may indeed be universal. I wonder if there are any culture that would not recognize a tombstone?

may be not

Very good post @slowwalker. This post adds knowledge to me. What's more I am an enthusiast of historical relics, especially ancient tombstones. Very unique and distinctive tombstone that you post above. This is very interesting to me. Here I also share the photo when I made an observation with archaeologists on ancient tombstones in the coastal area of Aceh Besar. I deliberately post this headstone, because this tombstone from14th century AD. The age of this ancient headstone is almost seven hundred years.

Thank you @slowwalker.

thank you for your comment.
it would be interesting to compare between two tombstones

a nice informative post thank you :)

Interesting post! Enjoyed reading.

Really fascinating history and architecture! Interesting that we have this same tradition of the tombstone all over the world. And I get what you mean about that feeling when you look at something like this, like there's so much of a background and story there, that it really makes you think. Lovely post :)

thank you for your comment

There is something sad about a weathered stone, @slowwalker... tracing the passage of years in the eroded letters.

It seems natural to return to the ground. Some prefer their remains be burned and scattered to the wind, but then, their name does not outlast living memory.

The photos are very dramatic – moss covered stones suggest the long passage of time. It’s ironic – the one tombstone shaped like a house – a final resting place.

If we’re fortunate, we’ll all inherit a stone, when Life’s waves have passed over us…and perhaps, someone will write upon it.

Good work, @slowalker

thank you as always

you're very welcome, @slowwalker

Nice photos, how long were you in Korea?

Great history of Tombstone

Nice photos, the first one has a different style. Thanks.

Very true, Tombstone serves as an identify of the grave so that relatives will find it easily when they visit and honor the memory of the deceased.

So much of information from your post @slowwalker... Very different from the tombstones that we have here in India.

This post gave me another reason to actually go visit Korea in a near Future.

Interesting. Love ancient history. voted up and Resteemed. Cheers. Also, I am now following.

I didn't know that tombstones had that much meaning! Thats pretty cool!

Jim carry from dumb and dumber

great to see this dear i also visited this great place last year and the peace and pleasure i feel there was beautiful and the same pleasure i feel rite now great pictures you captured there , the main thing is to feel and know these type of places and you also shared the experience of your with us thanks for that and i hope you share more snaps of this place i have so much interest in these type of places thats y i always prefer to visit such kind of places the tombstones that you see there are so old and the history is defined in these stones

more importantly in Korea, these type of tombstones are for praising the dead people and there are alot of tombstones there but these are the unique ones thabks for sharing dear hope you are fine

The architecture in the second to last one is breath-taking :]

One of the strongest evidences for historical researchers is the tombstones just like you say @slowwalker. The same as those in my area, such as the gravestones in the tombs of earlier kings, iskandarmuda, malikussaleh, and others.

So beautiful and unusual!

Wow! It's more than 600 years old!

This is pretty interesting . I havent heard about tombstones before!

They look pretty unusual!

Korea is still one of the few countries in Asia I need to tick off my "checklist", I think this post has inspired me to do it much sooner than later.

Interesting posts as always !

WOW ! Very Nice information !! Well Good !

I also have a strange feeling from looking at an old tombstone.

I like how unique it's style is!

Never seen a tombstone like these. They sure look pretty weird. I like it how the head looks like a roof of a house.

Looking at the tombstone and as you said it was built like 600 years ago, makes me think about the amazing talents these people had during that time! And seeing this still standing is even more amazing indeed!
Really impressed!

I always enjoy your photos.. Its beyond my imagination.. These handicrafts seems beautifully done.. Content is also catchy.. Loved it with my heart.. :)

very nice information in korea @slowwalker

I couldn't imagine having two wives, it seems like you would have enough work to maintain one relationship let alone two.

Never realized tombstones had that much meaning. Maybe they had a unique roof?

it's really unique !

묘비에도 여러 종류가 있다는 건 처음 알았네요 ^^ 죽은 사람이라도 기억하겠다는 풍습은 자랑스러운 한국의 문화라고 생각합니다 :)

Nice post! upvoted @jero1

Could he be somebody in the past that holds a title in the government?

After seeing all your posts I think I need to visit Korea soon.

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :]


Its always good to learn about new culture. As I am new to Chiniese culture , good to adapt new informtion.

@slowwalker It's nice when people are interested in the history of their country or city. You love your country and it is beautiful.

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