"If she said that Marx discovered how labor intersecta and interacts with other parts of the world and human nature, then she was just straight wrong on that one."- I must apologize. I wrote that text wrongly. I try to make it more clear. What Arendt said is that Marx realized that if there is only labor it disappears. However she did not make any claims that this would be possible to accomplish in any way by humans. That labor thing is part of "vita activa". This labor is philosophical term, rather than economical Deepest apologies.
I have not read that Eichman book yet, but I know that Hannah Arendt later admitted that she went too far with that "banality of evil" claim. I would argue, but I am not sure if I understand word "banality" excactly.
And now reading my text, I realize it is written just plain badly. I realy need to improve my writing.