This is a hereditary tradition that has taken place from our ancestors in Aceh, after rice was harvested in the fields. After we are ready to harvest rice, when we are about to plant more rice in the fields, we do a traditional event, namely kenduri blang.
This event is very unique and fun, where each rice field owner has to cut chicken and cook in the cauldron of each rice field owner. After the food is cooked, the committee will collect a few dishes from all rice field owners to be sent to guests who come.
This tradition is highly respected in every village in Aceh, only in different ways to do it. This photo is part of all events.
Bahasa Indonesia
Ini adalah sebuah tradisi turun-temurun yang telah berlansung dari nenek moyang kami di Aceh, setelah padi dipanenkan disawah. Setelah siap memanen padi, saat akan mau menanam lagi padi di sawah, kami melakukan acara adat, yaitu kenduri blang.
Acara ini sangat unik dan menyenangkan, dimana setiap pemilik sawah harus melakukan pemotongan Ayam dan dimasak di kuali masing-masing pemilik sawah. Setelah masakan matang maka pihak panitia akan mengumpulkan sedikit masakan dari semua pemilik sawah untuk dibagikan kepada tamu yang datang.
Tradisi ini sangat dijunjung disetiap desa yang ada di Aceh, hanya beda-beda cara melakukannya. Photo ini sebagian dari semua acara.
Thank you for reading my blog,
Untill next time on hive,
@suheri Aceh
The source image below is TheTerminal Assets and Gif created by me.
Untill next time on hive,
@suheri Aceh
The source image below is TheTerminal Assets and Gif created by me.
Cot cikok lago 😄