in #culture7 years ago (edited)


A TRUE STORY OF FROM WITHIN THE UK! It's strange for us in the uk, not to see one of our friendly Asian buddies, propping up the counter of a corner shop. Or for that matter, pipping the horn on a London cab, Leeds cab, any cab for that matter.

It's even stranger when we see them entrepreneurial spirits, running for the hills. Selling every corner shop, known to man. Or renting them to as many polish as they can.

Now this is not an observation of race or creed, this is a fact of the matter, and an observation of international economics.

In the 50's, in the UK. All corner shops where in fact owned by Jim, Harry, Or even Mrs and Mr Smith Or Jones.

it's a true fact. Now they are once again up for grabs. So maybe Mrs and Mr Smith. If they can afford them. Can rent from Mr and Mrs Patel.

It seams our Asian buddies, have turned the tables on English demographics. Setting the bar high for an ever declining and compromising, poverty stricken, Native English population.

It's rather bizarre, that soon I won't be able to go to my corner shop and talk to the local Bangladeshi. I am going to be, not only confused as I was quite happily picking up the native langue in Luton, of Indian. As I had plans to take a gap year in India. It seams I will have to hope that the local Indian population. Decide to take up teaching.

great opportunities available in your area. for the small price of only £1200 a month. Amazing turn over each year.

"Although, it makes you stop and think"



youtube the barcelona declaration, the marakech declaration, the kalergi plan.