Tradition of the marriage customs of North Aceh ( tradisi pernikahan adat aceh utara )

in #culture7 years ago (edited)

Hi friend steemit this time I will discuss about marriage custom in north aceh


Adat perkawinan di aceh tidak terlepas dari adat suku, karena indonesia sendiri memiliki banyak suku bangsa, suku batak, suku jawa , suku dayak , suku papua dan lain-lain.
(The custom of marriage in aceh is inseparable from tribal customs, because Indonesia itself has many ethnic groups, Batak tribe, Javanese tribe, Dayak tribe, tribe papua and others.)

Aceh sendiri memiliki beberapa suku yaitu, aceh utara, pidie, tamiang, alas , singkil, gayo dan lain-lain.
Ragam adat perkawinan juga berbeda-beda menurut adat dan budayanya masing-masing.
(Aceh itself has several tribes namely, north aceh, pidie, tamiang, pedestal, singkil, gayo and others.The variety of marriage customs also varies according to the customs and culture of each.)

Aceh utara mempunyai adat tersendiri dari acara lamaran, mengantar pembelai pria, antar pembelai pria, tradisi tersebut bagian dari budaya aceh utara.
(Aceh Utara has its own customs from the application, escorting the male groom, between male grooms, the tradition is part of the north aceh culture.)


Yang menarik dari upacara perkawinan adat aceh utara yaitu di acara antar linto karena sebelum hari acara antar linto, malamnya ada acara membuat hiasan dari kelapa yang sudah ada tunas, aneka minuman botol, gula , tebu, dan lain-lain.
(What is interesting about the marriage ceremony of the northern aceh adat is in the inter-linto event because before the day linto inter event, there are even evening events make the decoration of the existing coconut shoots, various bottled drinks, sugar, sugar cane, and others.)

Kelapa yang sudah ada tunas di hias dengan berbagai bentuk hingga cantik yang menggambarkan kehidupan pembelai pria.
(Coconut that has shoots in ornamental with various shapes until beautiful that depict the life of the man.)



Pemuda kampung ramai-ramai berkumpul untuk menghias kelapa tersebut , pemilik rumah dari keluarga pembelai pria menyediakan makanan ringan dan minuman berupa bulukat dan minuman teh atau kopi, pemuda kampung bersama-sama menghias minuman botol dengan warna warni agar cantik dan indah di pandang mata.
(The village youth gathered to decorate the coconut, the homeowner from the family of men's men provided snacks and drinks in the form of bulukat and tea or coffee drinks, the youth of the village together decorate the bottle drink with the color to be beautiful and beautiful in the eyes of the eye.)


Thank friend steemit...

follow me @thetitan


Thanks for posting. I like learning about different customs. It's nice the whole community gets together for the celebration.