Humans have the choice to do what ever they want, even as kids. Each choice a person makes shapes there future, the reward or consequence is on the person that made the choice. One can be influenced in there decision by many factors, but the end result is always on the person that made the choice. In the end, I believe that it does not matter what race, gender, or culture you are, your decision is yours and yours alone. I also believe, we as humans like to use external blame, to justify our actions. To point a finger at someone or something else, to get out of taking full responsibility for our own actions. I feel the majority of humans are born with a sense of right and wrong, and either nurture that sense or get numb. Humans really need, as individuals, to start taking full responsibility for every action they take. Only then can humans really start to evolve into a better species.
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Well said. I agree of course but providing examples and approaching it different in various posts might make sense to more and more people. Or I may just confuse things more...
No you did a great job of explaining, I was really impressed at how you explained yourself. It really is nothing new with you, you always do great work. Thank you by the way for that article.