I've read so many of these posts about how millennials are the "me generation", or the "entitled gen." But, to me, millennials are the informed gen. Millennials have it figured out a lot better than any previous generation.
Because, let's face it, most people in positions of power tend to abuse it so you can't just keep your head down, do you job, and keep faith that you'll be taken care of by the people in power. Nope, if you don't look out for number 1 no one else will. That's what we've learned and those are the times we live in. Millennials are just smart and getting with the program.
Thanks for the comment @yayab. I think the premise that you're supposed to be "taken care of" by anyone is a sense of entitlement (not that I fully agree that calling the millennial group entitled is correct). The onus is on ourselves to secure good education and work, ask for raises, start business, and become better models of that power that supposedly despise so much.