I was impressed with the natural lines on the sendiments rocks, I thought it was some kind of sandstone. The art form that lasts from the natural process long enough, has a variety of texture patterns. I shot four close-up angles from a very large rock.
The sandstone stretches we use for the footpath to a beautiful place. The location rarely visited by tourists, located in Lhok Kruet, Aceh Jaya Regency, coastal Indian Ocean. I went to that location with my wife, daughter and relatives, on October 15, 2017.
Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck
wow just amazing great pictures..☺
@yasirmoharkan thanks
Great post bg @vannour
Nothing is not perfect in this post, it all looks fine. 😂
haha.. apa cakap 😂
Haha hom
Wow itu sangat Bagus dan garis2 yang unik, saya senang anda telah berbagi cerita
Sama2 ,vote saya
Sama2 ,vote saya
the aesthetic journey. sees, feels, and touches it. happy to see this post
Very excited
Amazing @vannour
Really, how fascinating! These natural lines look like wood, don't they?