This plant attracts with its numerous original flowers, tubes, seemingly smoldering cigarettes, for which Kufey is called a cigarette plant or a cigarette holder.
The lush Kufa bush with an abundance of leaves is the perfect backdrop for other plants in the composition. These are Mexican plants with a Greek name. The name, however, is quite prosaic. Kyphos is translated as “crooked, crooked”. The fruits of kuffee are indeed slightly curved.
In Central and South America, there are up to 200 types of kuffee. Their name is Kufa (Kyphos - “bent, crooked”) owes the shape of the seeds. Kufi bushes grow fairly quickly, they must be regularly pinned, cut and transplanted, otherwise the decorative effect of plants is significantly reduced.
Abroad, this feature is successfully used by planting kufei for the summer in large street vases and concrete containers along with various flyers.