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RE: Cute Cuphea

in #cuphea6 years ago

Scientific: Cuphea hyssopifolia
Common: Mexican false heather
Family: Lythraceae
Origin: Tropical Mexico to Guatemala
Pronounciation: Cu-FEE-a hys-sop-i-FOL-e-a

Hardiness zones
Sunset 13 (with protection or as summer annual), 16-17, 21-24
USDA 9 (with protection), 10-11

Landscape Use: Shade gardens, Japanese garden designs, wet borders, accent, formal edging, container plant, or trained as a bonsai.

Form & Character: Compact and domelike, sensitive, tropical, woody perennial sub shrub, diminutive, reserved, refined.

Growth Habit: Evergreen subshrub, slow to moderate growth to 2 feet tall with sowmewhat wider spread.

Foliage/Texture: Small, opposite, linear to lanceolate leaves to 3/4 inch long; fine texture.

Flowers & Fruits: Tiny, axillary flowers, calyx green, petals in colors ranging from white to rose purple; fruits are an inconspicuous dry capsule.

Seasonal Color: Light display of flowers during warmer times of years.



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