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RE: Been a while since I've posted about curation

in #curatemethis5 days ago

I don't think we can directly reduce self-vote/curation returns of autovoters at the blockchain level, it would become kind of messy. I prefer the other route by increasing the rewards of active authors and active curators and I'd be open for additional tools and methods to help with that. I think most of those rewards would have to come from the author reward pool or DHF since curation is hard to adjust aside from downvoting where one would deem votes to be mainly auto and author undeserving as well.


I don't think we can directly reduce self-vote/curation returns of autovoters at the blockchain level, it would become kind of messy.

I also thought about it, it would be messy, it could generate complications that would affect us all.

But I think the second way to increase the rewards could come from the DHF or author (you have to determine the one that generates better results) is easier to implement and manage in the short term to incentivize and reward manual cures and the creation of quality content.

You have touched precisely a nervous and worrying point: “a lot of autovotes are just bloat and we the manually active ones are carrying the weight of them more often then not getting the same returns as us”.