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This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.
It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.
Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.
Highlighted Posts:
Curated By: | @theinkwell |
![]() Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @zerah | I opened my eyes last Saturday morning to the sight of the morning sun and a slight fog creeping into my bedroom window. The quietness that morning was unusual but the exact peace I needed after a rough week. Then I took a deep breath, and the smell of dry, dusty earth and tingling cool harmattan breeze filled my nose. It was a smell I was familiar with ... |
![]() Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @popurri | The Hernandez couple were busy this sunny morning, preparing for the wedding of their daughter Eloise, who would marry Ernesto Montilla, the eldest son of their best friends, next Sunday. The place chosen for the reception: the paternal grandparents' country house. Large and surrounded by gardens, it was the ideal place for Eloise, who loved to visit it, but not for her mother, who disliked the countryside. "Gustavo, remember to tell the gardeners to prune the daisies ... |
![]() Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @coolbabe88 | I have always complained about not having experienced surprises before. Nobody has surprised me at all in my life. How I wish someone would just do it for me. I will always tell my friends not like I was expecting anything from them, but that was my innermost wish ... |
Curated By: | @hivepakistan |
![]() Community: Hive LearnersAuthor: @amberkashif | A couple of days ago, as my son sat beside me, he said, “I am getting bored”. Baffled by his words, I looked towards him and responded, “how can someone with so many tasks to get done be bored”. He knew I was referring to his academic assignments and studies. He replied , “Mom, when we have so many things to do and we don’t feel like doing any of them, that’s when we get bored” ... |
![]() Community: Olio di BalenaAuthor: @arc7icwolf | La versione italiana si trova sotto quella inglese The italian version is under the english one Getting All Cards Details Through Splinterlands API The most fun way I’ve found to learn programming with Python is by working on scripts and tools that can have a real world application. Things get even more interesting when what I’m working on has not only a "theoretical" real world application but a "practical" one as well. The most recent example was provided by @stradaxlaliberta, who recently started working on a project that, through the use of a specifically trained AI, could produce some very interesting results in Splinterlands. I won’t say more because the project isn’t mine, and I barely know anything about it, so I don’t want to say anything wrong 😅 For his work, @stradaxlaliberta needed a list of all Splinterlands card data, ideally collected in an Excel file ... |
![]() Community: The City of NeoxianAuthor: @vickoly | Life walks in mysterious ways, and with different encounters comes with it loads of surprises to let out of its bags, one of which is regarding human relations, friend acquisition, and the like. Through the years, I've come to bond with some people and even become good friends when, at first glance, I would have doubted such would have ever played out, probably because I'm not the type who easily wins over friends due to my introverted nature, but one particular life and death encounter led to a friendship I never thought would emanate, and in this article I'll be telling you all about it. A couple of months ago I wrote about the undeserving kindness I received from a total stranger, which went on to highlight the power of humanity and . While in that article I mostly focused on the way I was rescued by a total stranger from the trap of a notorious terrorist, what I didn't mostly delve into details about was the fact that the encounter created a bond between us, leading to a friendship with not just me and the man but his entire family ... |
Curated By: | @pollination |
![]() Community: Holos&LotusAuthor: @fexonice | Probablemente hayas escuchado la historia bíblica del buen samaritano, y yo he usado esta historia varias veces para ilustrar la enseñanza. Una cosa que siempre digo en tales casos es que si Jesucristo contara esa historia en nuestros días, probablemente diría "Pero buen musulmán", asumiendo que los cristianos de hoy han fallado en su deber de ser el guardián de su hermano. Para otros, es mejor buscar ayuda de un extraño que acercarse a un supuesto co religioso que nunca tendría tiempo para dedicarse a ti. Es dentro de esta ciudad en la que vivo que el 90% de la gente en la ciudad son cristianos en diversos grados ... |
![]() Community: Holos&LotusAuthor: @niggyayo | Como bien menciono en el título, logre transformarme o mejor dicho convertirme en otra persona y aun así seguir construyendo una mejor versión de mí. Lo más gratificante y sorprendente para mí es darme cuenta de lo que pude lograr en este periodo de 5 meses y pensar en lo que podría ser capas de un par de años me da bastante curiosidad saber. Aun así, el tiempo lo dirá y mientras no pierda el enfoque, las cosas sucederán como tengan que suceder. El punto de partida está en par de semanas antes de mi cumpleaños, más o menos en donde me encontraba en un estado físico y mental totalmente desastroso y muy mal, un lugar en el que nunca había estado y lo recuerdo como si fuera ayer, se convirtió en el motor de lo que soy ahora para no volver ahí, a ese punto de partida, convirtiendo así esto en un viaje sin retorno, claro, teniendo en cuenta que existen las recaídas pero nunca dejándome derrotar ... |
HIVEをもっと多くの日本人ユーザーに使ってもらうため、ショートコンテンツプラットフォーム、特にPeakD「snaps」をお勧めしていこうと考えています。 ブログ(従来型の長文ブログ)の場合、私たちは主に海外コミュニティ、キュレーションプロジェクトから大きな報酬をいただいています。 でもそのような方法で大きな報酬を得るためには、Hiveのやや複雑なシステムを理解し、自分に合ったコミュニティを探し、各コミュニティの投稿ルールを確認し、それに沿った記事を二ヶ国語で書き、… というハードルを一度にクリアする必要があり、新規の方にとってこれはなかなか難易度が高いのではと感じるようになりました。 そこで、まずは気軽に投稿できる「Snaps」からHiveに参加してもらえるよう、今後外部SNS(Xやnote等)で発信してみようと思っています。Snapsであれば、海外コミュニティに頼らなくても、Hive JAのコミュニティ支援アカウントやメンバーのupvoteで「1ツイート5円」のような世界が実現できるかも、と考えたのもあります。 書ける方は長文ブログもどんどん投稿しつつ、Snapsも使っていただけたらうれしいです。長文ブログももちろんupvoteしていきますが、若干報酬がSnapsに分散します🙏 Snapsへの投稿について 「Snaps」という名称からして写真投稿用のプラットフォームっぽい印象がありますが、写真や画像は必須ではありません。 Xのポストのように、アイデアやひとりごとをつぶやくのもOKです😄自由に使ってください。 日本語だけでOK。Hive JAコミュニティのSnapsがあります Snapsでは、コミュニティごとにタイムラインがあります。日本語のSnap(日本語を含むSnap)については、Hive JAコミュニティのタイムラインに投稿していただけると嬉しいです。 ※👆PeakDで開いてください。他サイトから開くとエラーになる可能性があります。 日本語のSnapが一ヶ所に集まることで、キュレーションしやすくなるだけでなく、交流や情報共有がしやすくなります。 Snapsのキュレーション強化中 先週のコミュニティレポートでは、@djynnさんにショートコンテンツのキュレーターさんをお願いしたこと、コミュニティアカウントと私の旧垢@ultrasevenも、djynnさんのキュレーション用アカウント@djynnxdjynn と一緒にショートコンテンツをupvoteする設定にしたことをお伝えしました。 @hive jaもsnapsへの投稿を応援voteしており、今のところ一投稿あたり数円は得られる状態となっています。Hive JAコミュニティに投稿されるSnapは、随時チェックしてupvoteしていきます! 一旦、実験的な取り組みとして11月・12月の2ヶ月間、外部への宣伝含め頑張ってみようと思っています!多少でもユーザーが増えて楽しく使えそうなら、その後もコミュニティでのキュレーションを継続できる方法を考えます😉そうなるように頑張ります。 hive 158302、 japanese タグを使ってください Snapsに投稿する際は、 hive 158302 、 japanese この2つのタグをつけて投稿をお願いします🙏 hive 158302 はHive JAコミュニティを意味するタグです。 自身のプロフィールのSnapsタブから投稿する場合、このタグがないとHive JAコミュニティのタイムラインに表示させることができません。 (Hive JAコミュニティのSnapsトップから投稿すれば、 hive 158302 タグ不要でコミュニティのタイムラインに表示させることができます・・・が、ややこしいので😅日本語のSnapにはこの2つのタグをつける!と憶えていただければ確実です) タグがないとSnapを ... |
Curated By: | @gamingphoto |
![]() Community: Hive DiyAuthor: @equipodelta | Spanish English Hilo y aguja de coser a mano Thread and hand sewing needles Pedrería de fantasía Rhinestones Tijera Scissors Yesquero Tinder Foami Foami Silicón caliente Hot Silicone Cinta de raso N°9 Satin ribbon N°9 Gancho caimán para cabello Alligator hair clip Paso a paso / Step by Step Step 1️⃣/ Paso 1️⃣ Créditos / Credits Program: Tablet Huion model 420 💜💜💜 👉 👉 👉 👉 ... |
![]() Community: Hive GamingAuthor: @noomer | I tried fast travel to Two Bends from River Valley and noticed the nearest Bureau was near Mount Vernon where Hope should've been expecting me so I ran there and found Hope along with Achilles. My task was to visit Lisbon, Portugal and unlock a Precursor temple to find something special. After reaching Hope and Achilles, Hope was mentioning about Lisbon being near as large as Paris and was asking Shay if he's sure he can find this one place and Shay replied in affirmative. Achilles said this duty falls upon Shay given his present knowledge of the site but Shay would have to travel to Lisbon sailing another ship leaving Morrigan to Hope and taking only his crew ... |
![]() Community: Geek ZoneAuthor: @lionsaturbix | Saludos mis queridos hermanos y hermanas amantes del maravilloso mundo de los videojuegos, sean todos bienvenidos a mi publicación. Hoy es martes y ya sabemos lo que significa, para un momento agradable en el ReadyPlayerHive de esta noche. Esta vez les comparto un nuevo capítulo en mis aventuras por el Terraria, anteriormente he compartido otros contenidos de este videojuego, pero digamos que las cosas ahora son diferentes, ya que anteriormente explicaba algunos mods que estaba probando, ahora y finalmente podre comenzar mi aventura desde cero en la dificultad maestro, más aún con la dificultad veterana del mod de Calamity, es decir que las cosas serán mucho más complicadas. En este capítulo pensaba que podría enfrentarme al rey Slime, ya que me apareció de manera automática en el juego, y tuve la oportunidad de enfrentarme a él, pero parece ser que en este capítulo no todo salió como quería ... |
Curated By: | @visualshots |
![]() Community: WorldmappinAuthor: @belug | English A visit to paradise in the north of Ibiz: Portinatx Hello dear friends of Hive! Today I will take you for a walk to PORTINATX! To get there from Eivissa, that is, from the center of town, you need to take a bus, go by cab or by car. Of course I went on the L20, the bus that connects the south with the north of the island ... |
![]() Community: Plant Power (Vegan)Author: @anggreklestari | A combination of mild chayote flavor with spicy tempeh for an energizing lunch. Have you ever eaten or cooked chayote before? In my country, we call chayote water pumpkin. There are not many choices of dishes that we can make for a menu from chayote ingredients ... |
![]() Community: Photography LoversAuthor: @solymi | Today, I had to pick up my wife at the Wotruba church, which was designed by the famous sculptor Fritz Wotruba. The planing and architecture was done by Fritz Mayr. The church is situated in the 23rd district of Vienna and it is quite a long drive to get up that hill. Th e church is built out of 152 concrete blocks piled on top of each other without any system with no apparent symmetry ... |
Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.
If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.
For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.
Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.
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Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs! Currently deployed on 73 Discord servers, with over 8094 Hive users! |