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This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.
It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.
Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.
Highlighted Posts:
Curated By: | @theinkwell |
![]() Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @rinconpoetico7 | English A change of life “Everything is fine,” Willy thought as he had a drink and enjoyed the successes of his work. He had no major worries. In his big apartment, he was the king and didn't have to explain himself to anyone, as he was free. The women he got were to pass the time and escape from relationships and responsibilities ... |
![]() Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @rare-gem | Family is one of the things I cherish most, be it extended and nuclear, even though some extended can be disappointing at times with various troubles, misunderstandings, and misconceptions, but yet having people to call family is a beautiful thing. I love the relationship between my father and his siblings; although they fight, they are always on the lookout for one another. There are times I get angry on his behalf; you could imagine such a thing telling him his sister shouldn't have done such a thing, forgetting that no matter how they fight, they always find a way to get back together. source Thanks to my grandparents, who played a very important role in making the family bond ever stronger ... |
![]() Community: The Ink WellAuthor: @balikis95 | Adaline heard it. The giggling that took hold of her face at that time. It was supposed to happen at that time if everything went as planned, but, ~~fate~~ "Adam” had other plans for her, and the giggling now seemed like a lost event in a time that didn't exist. "I am going to kill him"! ... |
Curated By: | @hivepakistan |
![]() Community: Olio di BalenaAuthor: @stefano.massari | ~~~ La versione in italiano inizia subito dopo la versione in inglese ~~~ ENGLISH 25 11 2024 Analytic Geometry Angles in the Plane and in Space and and is denoted as follows Analysis of 2 cases If the two vectors are linearly independent, they are contained in a plane If the two half lines are equal, the angle VW is 0, if they are not, the angle vw is π Example Let's try to find the geometric vectors orthogonal to the geometric vector ( 1 2) that have norm 2 Let's take as a geometric vector the following geometric vector generic: let's now identify the orthogonality condition which must be the following. and we can also understand this as At this point we recall the Euclidean norm of our generic geometric vector, therefore the norm of And The system solution will be so which are the two vectors sought, namely Conclusions In analytic geometry, angles in the plane are often defined with respect to two lines or vectors, while in the three dimensional context, angles involve vectors, lines and planes. Question Have you ever had to find angles in the plane and in space at school? e ed è indicato come segue Analisi di 2 casi Se i due vettori sono linearmente indipendenti, essi sono contenuti in un piano Se le due semirette sono uguali, l’angolo VW è 0, se non lo sono l’angolo vw è π Esempio Proviamo a trovare i vettori geometrici ortogonali al vettore geometrico ( 1 2) che abbiano norma 2 Prendiamo come vettore geometrico il seguente vettore geometrico generico: andiamo ora ad identificare la condizione di ortogonalità che dovrà essere la seguente ... |
![]() Community: MotherhoodAuthor: @itravelrox | Hi, Hive and Motherhood community! I've been active on other social media sharing my story about my pregnancy and motherhood journey writing in a short form. Well, why not share it here on Hive as I love to write in long form? Here is a timeline of how I found out about my PCOS ... |
![]() Community: StemSocialAuthor: @jorgebgt | Alarming mobility of the Magnetic pole. On November 17, Elon Musk republished a publication by Brian Roemmele where he published a graph with the current location of the magnetic North Pole, not the geographical North Pole, the magnetic one and the media because they went a little crazy in the United States, I usually look the press in the United States Because at least in matters of science and technology, what is news in the United States ends up reaching Spain when it arrives in the rest of the world within three days. They have published a lot of news about the magnetic North Pole approaching Russia and such, and that it is moving away at full speed and a lot of other things, and this is true and it is disturbing, to be fair it has not occurred no progress on this issue, at least in the last year, we do not know why it happens, nor do we know how far it can go. Currently the magnetic North Pole moves about 48 km a year, it has already moved beyond the geological North Pole, from the Earth's axis of rotation, and right now it is in a place where it has not been for miles ... |
Curated By: | @hive-106316 |
![]() Community: Silver BloggersAuthor: @denmarkguy | I think I have always been a chronic procrastinator. At least I can't remember a time when I didn't tend to drift off and do something other than the most important thing that was at hand. Sure, I have learned lots of different tools over the years and some of them work pretty well and allow me to at least maintain a semblance of concentration and focus. I make lists, and I have little "schedules" I print our and have to follow every day, on which I check off boxes of things that must get done ... |
![]() Community: Foodies Bee HiveAuthor: @clairemobey | It should be the easiest thing in the world to make, but making the perfect scrambled eggs on toast is an art: And I'm absolutely full of crap about it 😜 For me, I was lucky enough to be trained by a chef during my hospitality days, so today, I'm going to share my tips and secrets with you. The first hurdle is finding the right setting on your toaster: which is flipping impossible when your teenagers keep messing with it. That being said, if I make sure to check the toaster and make sure it's set to exactly the right timing for perfect toast. Not under toasted so it becomes soggy or seems like it was just left in the sun to get a tan, and not over toasted so it's hard to chew or has any burnt bits ... |
Curated By: | @pollination |
(日本語は後半にあります) 【English】 Good evening, I am Penta, who prefers White Scorpion to Tomomi Itano. Coinmumme also seem to be getting excited, but we can't add any more games, so we're not going to enter the market. 😌 So today it is still a SNPIT topic. Recently taken photos ... | |
![]() Community: SoloescribeAuthor: @dorytagil2022 | Imagen de mi propiedad tomada del álbum digital personal, editada en CANVA. En mis sueños los veo llegar, casi a lo lejos escuchaba a Toby, Faraday y a Jeiko, ladrar, pero el ladrido era diferente, como diciéndome que venían personas de otros lares, pero queridas, conocidas, esos ladridos no eran normales. El ambiente desprendía un delicioso aroma a café recién acabado de colar y cerrero, como le gusta a Mafa, a mi cuñada Rosalba y a Gaby. Estas dos últimas entraban cargadas de maletas y junto a estas los sueños, algunos cumplidos, otros por cumplir y este, según ellas, el más especial, el retorno a la bella Venezuela ... |
![]() Community: Be EntrepreneurAuthor: @diivy | I once learned from an author that a job is what you keep for yourself, while a business is what you leave behind for your family. By the way life was designed, it is of great importance that we get ourselves involved in business. A business is part of a legacy that even when you leave, it can passed on to your heir(s). You don't pass on your job to your heir(s) ... |
Curated By: | @gamingphoto |
![]() Community: Hive GamingAuthor: @freddbrito | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is one of the most classic and representative things of the 90's, there is no one who does not know this franchise in some way or another, they are an icon of their generation and marked the lives of many children over the years. It is not surprising that an icon like this has had several video games over the years, some being better than others, but the game that stars today's post is based on the first movie of this group of colorful heroes: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, which I remember quite fondly and especially the new costumes worn by the protagonists which were spectacular, as they were not the typical "cloth" costumes, but this time they had a quite stylized and visually spectacular armor, this being the best of that movie, as over the years and after a small revisit of that movie, in terms of CGI was quite mediocre, although you can not expect much with respect to the special effects to the Power Rangers, as it has never been their strong point. So, today's Retro Review is about: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Mega Drive). Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Mega Drive) follows under its own terms the story seen in the movie, with its slight changes in the story, typical of a video game adaptation of an audio visual medium, but in general terms the end with respect to its plot goes along the same line with the main plot ... |
![]() Community: Geek ZoneAuthor: @veneciabia | Hola hola querida comunidad de geek ¿Cómo están el día de hoy? Yo muy bien, con muchas ganas de contarles que ayer decidí cambiar el buscador de mi compu. Como es común, normalmente todo el mundo tiene chomer en su compu, pero llevaba bastante tiempo donde me salían estos anuncios de opera gx, el buscador creado específicamente para gamers. Como estuve leyendo de algunas cosas que podía hacer, decidí probarlo para ver que me parecía el mismo ... |
![]() Community: NeedleWorkMondayAuthor: @lauracraft | Hello friends creators of art with threads and needles, today I share with you a basic cosmetic holder with pockets that separate and prevent damage to the lipsticks and powder compacts, one of the cosmetics that we are most concerned that we are damaged because they are delicate and also if they are damaged inside the bag would be chaos because of the amount of stains that would cause. For that reason I thought of making my cosmetic carrier adapted to my needs. About 2 weeks ago my brothers called me to inform me that my mother was in bad health, so I had to make a 5 hour bus trip, so I had to carry several things, including my cosmetics, lipsticks and other delicate things. Since my cosmetic carrier was already deteriorated, before making the trip, I decided to make a new one, taking advantage of a fabric from a pair of jeans shorts printed with intertwined lines of pink and white tones, which seemed ideal for my purpose, I started my desire to carry my cosmetics well cared for ... |
Curated By: | @visualshots |
![]() Community: Visual ShotsAuthor: @victorbz | As i promised today on the morning, now i expand my early morning's post with this later evening's, almost midnight's one. Yes the first workday came to a logical end. It was long and full of the different challenges at work, some of these i succeed to resolve, some will wait until tomorrow or longer. Just like in our life we stumbles upon various problems and set on them the prioritization flags for the better understanding where to move first, and what to end up in a drawer and to forget forever ... |
![]() Community: Photography LoversAuthor: @pumarte | A few days ago my nephew came home to visit us, every now and then his mother sends him and he stays with us for a weekend or two. Those days grandma is in high spirits, she takes the opportunity to spoil her grandson and together they spend the time playing and having fun. On this occasion I was finishing editing a job in the small studio I have at home and when I passed by the living room I found this scene mounted hahahaha, my camera was in an armchair because It was resting from my last session, which had been very recent, so I took the opportunity to capture some shots of the touching scene, also because I thought that later it would be a very nice memory as the nephew was growing could have these photographs of the times he spent at his grandmother's house. Who wouldn't want a memory like that, right? ... |
Community: TravelFeedAuthor: @curamax | Yesterday was a relaxing Sunday for me. I usually visit places with an exciting vibe or locations that encourage me to walk briskly, so it felt like a different experience when I decided to go to the Singapore Art Museum (SAM). It is located in Tanjong Pagar Distripark, on the far side of Tanjong Pagar, near the Keppel Terminal. On a rainy Sunday afternoon, this area feels like a ghost town because it’s primarily a work district, with no commercial establishments around ... |

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Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.
Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.
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Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs! Currently deployed on 73 Discord servers, with over 8075 Hive users! |
thank you @hive-106316 and @hivediscordmod for reading and promoting my post here <3
Thanks for the support, friends.
Hello @pollination and @hivediscomod, thank you for your great support.
Thank you @hivediscomod, @hivepakistan, and @lhes for the curation and feature :D
Thank you so much for the mention and for giving visibility to my technical education post