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RE: My best curation reward ever (321 SP / $700 USD)

in #curation8 years ago (edited)

The most redeeming and inspiring thing that has kept me on Steem was seeing the charity that post brought. It means steem can be a force for goodness in this world and provide opportunities that weren't there before. Very proud of that and I tell people I know about that story.


It was pretty amazing to watch for sure :)

Although I am a cynic at times, charity should be verified before pooling $10,000 +. Steemit is full of good and bad. It's a reflection of he real world around us. We have to be careful in the future of scammers pretending. This is in no way denying what happened to that gentleman. It's just someone will get the idea to pretend to be sick. It' goes on in this world all the time. No different here.

Absolutely on POINT! I have thought for a second, I wonder if I should finish this post about how I went to a protest, and got interviews, not covered in the news anywhere (and spent and lost money to do so) or whether I should just make a post about how my son broke his leg. Not to trivialize any tragedy but I think sometimes, in fact I know, people are doing exactly that to propel themselves up and to me its all about morals. I won't do it because it isnt my nature but its also in my nature to Resteem posts about tragedy and loss and try to help and give people the benefit of the doubt. But honestly if thats what people want to do just make a link to your gofundme. STEEMIT should be a place for creating content the internet needs and wants and not about raising funds. Its just too easy for people to scam others and there are tons of ways to do it. I hate feeling this isn't natural but man, writing my first "successful post" ($42) and then watching it go to only $37 was a real kick in the motivation-to-create-content pants. Almost made me tap out and spend the money on some Radeon GPU's 😢

True, @darthnava was a trusted member for a long time before this happened so theres no doubt in my mind in this case. We get scammers every day, you should have seen it during the last major bubble with ~15k+ posts everywhere the scammers really came out of the woodwork then :P

I heard it was more chaotic in the beginning days. Glad I joined a year later so it's cleaned up. a little. Met some early adopters when th their 800 bot accounts. Not cool.