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RE: Make money of curation with ease! Join my curation trail on Learn why in this post.

in #curation7 years ago

As I try to measure quite some of my statistics, I think we can be 99% certain that winning the curation league did not really bring in New followers.

Firstly I didn't see a sudden increase. And secondly I have the same number of followers as you. While I have written more posts and comments.
So you could even say, that your strategy works better 😀

Then you brought me at another interesting point. Your script to calculate curation rewards. That is really valuable information, at least I would say so. If you share it in a post, you probably get like no reward. So I suggest to never share it.

This feels like a strange thing, that it might be better to keep knowledge secret then sharing. Is that the way Steemit is supposed to work?


I think I have a moderate flow of new subscribers due to the upvotes. So upvoting a lot gives you this small advantage. But overal I think that my posts do not get enough exposure and I do not get an adequate interation with people.

I do not think that this is a particular feature of steemit. It is just up to you whether you want to share your scripts. I also believe that in some time all this be worthless.