And he’s leading the league in downvotes, too, people always seem to leave that part out and, quite frankly, I’m offended by that. I mean, how many people can attract genuine friendships, quality followers, have virtual strangers lean on them to add #satire flair to their original content, all while toning their skills and touring his beautiful wife around the world and still manage to maintain a huge sack full of douche bags?
Give it up for @camillesteamer the coxmoker! “Yaaaay!!! Oooh! Oooh!!! Oooooh! Smoker, Smoker, Smoker!”
“I’ll see your pair of downvotes and raise it 26!” :fist pump: followed by a moonwalk exit.....
What? 🤔 No one’s ever walked in the moon, what?! WHAT!!! What’s next, Camilly Streakerpoo still gets punked for his lunch money? You gotta be kidding me. That’s it—I’m going back to bed.