this is a very good job and well written! I hope people will resteem and get the word out. It is the simplest yet informative post explaining what is going on and I am very happy that you took the time to do this @beeyou!
I also want to tell you that in addition to @lynncoyle1, I have seen 3 other awesome people that would like to be considered when you are ready for new additions to your team. (I'm sure there are many more, but these 3 wonderful members are dedicated and focused just like the originals) ;)
Again great post and love everything you all are doing! :)
Such kind words @davemccoy. Thanks. :)
We would be happy to expand the ABC family! The more the merrier. I will let the ladies reach out to any of us if they are interested. We can walk them through our curation process.
As you know, I'm finding it harder and harder to find steemit time these days. We welcome any help!
@beeyou - room for "F"? ;-)
I think that is a great idea @freedomshift! @beeyou I agree with you, we need to add some freedom to your family! I know @amariespeaks @charisma777 and @lynncoyle1 also like freedom too! :)
I say lets do this! Make the ABC's of Curation even stronger! ;)
Thank you @davemccoy! My purpose is to share what I have found and learned about freedom shift (as in the book) and help others understand the truth and what to do.
Hi @freedomshift. Yes, we always have room for another member in our Newbie Resteem team and the ABC's of Curation. The Fabulous spot is open! Are you on discord? We have a group chat for the ABC's. Will add you in there if you come on. Here is the link to our discord room, just give me a shout out in the general chat section. Or DM. :)
@beeyou - thank you so much! I might not have as much time as y'all, but I'll do my best.
I got there - same name. Interesting! how to use it and this together?
@beeyou is awesome, isn't she @davemccoy?? She keeps saying that she is slacking, but all I see is this kind of amazing work!! And your additions are great!! I know @smylie2005 and @magicalmoonlight, but not @pretty.dorky yet. With a name like that, I'd say @pretty.dorky will be a perfect fit!! :)
They would be wonderful additions @lynncoyle1. I would hate to put them on the spot though, so I will invite them to our group chat when they are interested.
OH, we have a group chat @lynncoyle1. LOL, altough we haven't chatted in there much lately. Will add you in there.
Yes, please do!!
Well you guys know I love to help out as much as possible! What does this new "job title" consist of? I dont know if I can kick as much ass as @beeyou! And Im definitely not as well written as @beeyou and @lynncoyle1 but I will do what I can! ;)
Perfect timing @smylie2005. Are you on Discord right now? We're forming the gang now. Come on and I will introduce you to everyone.