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RE: The Curation Conundrum

in #curation8 years ago (edited)

Everyone is time starved and if we want to attract more readers to consume the content they need to be able to find it.

This is currently the challenge here on this platform when we produce not just quality but unique content but are not getting seen because we are not paying users, or do not have that whale ability yet. Letting our precious 3-hour masterpiece get drowned in the abyss of new tab. Not for the money, but some people out there deserve to see our content too. We also come here to find like-minded individuals and the right people who will read. It's not their fault if they don't find us, it's just the system. Then the post will become old after 3 hours, just like that. But then we are judged and frowned upon if we use / invest in bots to push our posts / or as a temporary solution to the system. But why don't people frown at those whales who self-upvote or posting the same old topics being recyled everyday on the trending page? I agree with the solution - remove self-upvote. Use rep as a factor for curation and for pushing posts up.

I can see steemit is still in beta, but perhaps there might be other improvements or solutions that need to be done than just having the ability to change the cover photo? lol

Yes, some people gave up complaining as we want more solution here. Some are just in-denial, are here for the community or to showcase their talent. If that is what steemit is all about, then hide the $ sign that taints my fellow writers' mind. And add more features that cater to those who don't write for money such as features, tags on our own feed for easy search, filter, custom views, archives, date search. These are more useful improvements than being able to change the cover photo.

Unless we post about positivity, success in life or in steemit, then we get auto upvoted by the whales, otherwise, be ignored if not. Good for those who have regular support, keep inspiring them with those topics so they can keep the money here! :) Unfortunately, some people don't write/live up to other people's expectations.

What's your take on this curation thing going on, rewarding /luring the very talented writers only at the beginning, then being abandoned later? We can't blame these talented new writers for being frustrated in the end when $300 at rep 25, becomes $0.06 at rep 57. Quality content then becomes a myth. Then people judge those who write for the rewards? And the suggestion of the mediocre is to leave the platform, or don't write for the money? Excuse me, we also have our wealth here, cannot be erased from the platform anymore, unlike those who can take their wealth back after 13 weeks.

Here's the good part most people here want to hear, now there are a few people staying for the community and not sacrificing the quality of content (old and new writers here despite losing the drug given to them). For the love of writing, and for the community. I'm staying because I have few readers who curate my content because they genuinely like or read what I create/produce. I appreciate the 0.03 cents, and the engagment. How's that for being positive. :)

Sorry about this, I should have turned this into a post lol. But I don't want to taint my travel memoirs portfolio with anything about steemit's internal matters anymore.

Meanwhile, I'll write away....


Great points. I think a lot of people probably stay on just for the writing!

What's your take on this curation thing going on, rewarding /luring the very talented writers only at the beginning, then being abandoned later?

Do you mean curation guilds? I think as more people join it becomes less and less feasible for them to vote for the old people so it is an inevitable result.