Most of you know I am the writer for @qurator's Daily Qurator Newsletter and I do curation for @muxxybot
- Daily Qurator newsletter - I do nine daily newsletters here and am very familiar with finding quality work and posts.
- Muxxybot Curation - while I just started doing some curation for this page, I am confident in finding good members that are dedicated and posting awesome work.
And that last week I started doing more curation along the way. I have always been a firm believer in giving back and have a pay it forward mentality. I am a member of Discord groups such as @thesteemengine and @steemitbloggers; who both put out daily newsletters with some great quality posts from their members. I read EVERY newsletter; as some members cross over into the same groups and when I am seeking posts to share on @qurator's daily newsletters and with @muxxybot for its two to three weekly curation posts, I don't want duplicates.
Weekly Homesteading Newsletter as does Preppers Online; so the concern of sharing the same posts can get a little entwined some weeks. I make sure NOT to stealHelpie's Homesteading Curation and, once again, fear of duplication comes into play. (NOTE: MAKE sure to check out these great curation posts too!)Plus @kiaraantonviche also puts out a their thunder and post my own unique curation posts. @helpie also does a

So How Do I Keep Track Of It All?
I constantly have an open document on my laptop and when I come across a post that I find interesting, I copy the url and paste it into the appropriate place on my document. Whether the topic is prepping, cooking or whatever I am going to be curating in the next day or two.
I have the document template set up by the days of the week. All I do is copy/paste the link and leave it there until the day of the week that the curation post will be up live. I try and do three posts per curation post, but in my document, it's nothing for me to have about six links for every day. I like choices.
If I have a link from a steemian but it only has one day left, I'll leave it in the assigned place on the document; because chances are the person has more posts that I may want to look at in the future. If I use the post for a curation post then I immediately delete it from the document.
So easy. So simple. While some may think this is a tedious process.. it works for me and keeps me in check and on task.
I have a strict schedule I keep while on steemit and Discord and by doing so, it keeps me motivated and going.. going... going... just like the Energizer Bunny.

Curation Criteria
So before I copy and paste the above mentioned url link to my HANDY DANDY document, how do I determine if I'll use a post or not for my next curation post.
- Is the post at a minimum 24-48 hours old?
- Doe the post still have two days left before it's archived? I want to make sure if people read my curation post that the member of the post still has some time for UPvotes and comments.
- Is the post a low earner? Meaning it's not getting hundreds of UPvotes already and has a smaller payout. I want to make sure I am recognizing good quality content that deserves to be seen.
- Is it a good to great quality post (obviously)
- Are the images correctly sourced and approved for reuse.
- Do I think others that follow me would appreciate the post?
While there are a few more smaller details of criteria, these are the main ones I seek out when my curation hat is on.

Curation Schedule & Days
- Sunday- Embracing A Steemian & The Garden Shack
- Monday- Prepping & Preppers
- Tuesday- Holler Out Homesteading
- Friday- DIY Day
- Saturday- Cooking & Recipes
So, as of now, I have Wednesday and Thursday free of curation... but if you can think of possible topics and tags you'd like me to curate, please drop a comment below or send me a message on Discord.

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another one you could be doing is ART ! any and all forms of art - music, poetry, painting, drawing, different methods, use of tools ect ect .
All forms of art, could in itself, be curated all week long, knowing how many forms of art there really is .
Hmmm, while I'm not too familiar with art I am always open to broadening my horizons and knowledge.I'll have to start paying attention to those tags. Thanks for the suggestion!
in all honesty - i suggest the easier ones, like music, and poetry ; things start getting tricky after that . i like anything that people can relate too, or that has a very strong message .
Often wondered how you keep it all together! I for one am grateful for your dedication.
I have sooooo many folders, notebooks, sticky notes and pens! My husband sees all the folders, etc stacked and sticky notes EVERYWHERE and just shakes his head. But it works for me.
Very thoughtful of you to do this for the #steemit community. You truly are a very kind person.
Thank you! I love reading, I love steemit so I am in my happy element when I do curating.
I'm pondering new curation ideas now.....A peek at the behind the scenes action!! I am always in awe of what you accomplish here...your dedication helps so many people, thank you for being you @goldendawne <3
If you'd like to curate a new tag or topic, just let me know. Or if you want help doing your own, catch me on Discord.
I am so badly organized, it is beyond funny! I am always flitting from here to there and back again, and I have always been that way. I find it difficult to stick to the one thing until it is completed. Something else, like a link I clicked or an alert, drags me off in another direction. I don't even think I want to change :). So well done on getting through so much work, and giving of your time to the benefits of others on the platform. You rock!
Thank you for going into such detail as to how you do it!
I am trying to be more efficient with my time, but homesteading & homeschooling 4 kiddos has me scraping up spare minutes here and there, trying to create quality content and manage the replies & comments. I still am not posting as much as I'd like, but I'm just going to keep on trying!
You're welcome!
I see so many good posts and talented authors and steemians and I want to make sure they are not getting lost in the feeds. If I can introduce my following to new members and help lift up and get these posts some recognition then I am so happy!
Well, this is interesting! Curating is a word that require time, effort and good eye. Congratulations!
Thank you!
Thank you!!! You're great!!
You are such a busy bee! I can hardly keep up with the commenting and curating let alone being able to publish at least once a day. Ideally I want twice a day posts like when I wake up and when I get home but sometimes I end up with just one post before I go to work haha.
You are awesome GoldenDawne this is aside from any discord channels that you help maintain.
If I am not busy, I get too bored. If I am over multi-tasking, then I'm in my element of production.
You do so much with the steemfamph (I think I got that wrong,but you know what I mean) and doing one post a day with as much as your work schedule allows is great- shows determination and dedication!
You're a hard working lady! I love your curation posts, I always find lots of things of interest and new peeps to follow!
I am thrilled to introduce new members to all of you- which is partly why I do it. I have many reasons about why... just for the love of reading, for the passion of writing... for the LOVE of steemit!
Nice to see how all of this works out in your brain and translates to "paper." :) I enjoy seeing all of your posts and appreciate that you posted your curation schedule. You do a great job!
Thanks!! Yes, I am very methodical and OCD. I keep notes about notes and notebooks filled with schedules. lol- yeah, it's that bad!
I became a Curie curator yesterday and i can say with certanty that i havent felt so thrilled even for my first 100$ post. Helping others get recognized and appreciated is a joy matched only by a few things on Steemit.
Keep up the good work. ❤😁
I had read about becoming a @curie curator and saw that you needed to be nominated by an already established curator; which I'm not sure I know any personally.
But I do love finding quality posts, with unbelievable images.
And thank you!!!
Well you start by saying hi in the general chat and once you introduce yourself and work with the curation team, finding amazing content, with your expirience you would go far, fast.
You do such a wonderful job of curating content. I find new people to follow and new posts that are truly worth reading every single time! Thanks for sharing your process!
Thank you! It makes me thrilled to see how many people say they missed a post, missed a new member but found it on one of my curation posts. ALWAYS a good thing!
Great to get some insight into how hard you work as a curator!
I think these types of posts are incredibly useful for people to read if they want to know how to get curated. Most of the time curators have similar requirements, so I think this will help many people realize how they can be curated by you!
We're definitely glad to have you at The STEEM Engine, so just keep on sharing your curation initiatives so we can check them out! I didn't realize you did so many, so I'm going to have to go visit all of the topics to see what I've been missing.
As a fellow curator, I can appreciate the methods you use, especially since you're a full-time Steemian! Keep up the good work!
This is just a glimpse into it. But yeah... its the basic rundown.
I spend so many hours looking and reading posts; including all the newsletters. (Thank goodness for ginabot! She's the BEST!)
Steem Engine is a great place for promotions, meeting new steemians you may miss elsewhere and I am so happy I joined; wish I had done it earlier.
Thank you for all your encouraging words!!
It's good that there are such enterprising people as you! Good luck and patience to you!
Thank you!
Thanks for your work in helping Steemit grow in a good way. The trending and hot pages are not really worth looking at. Only the human curated content is decent and it appears that will be the way until they fix the structural problem of confusing reward payout with quality.
Thanks again for doing such an important but time consuming job!
I rarely go on the trending and hot pages. I stick to my feed, my searches and having ginabot notify me of certain keywords.
It's time consuming some days but well worth it for me!
Ginabot does keywords! That I need to make use of for our little classical music community! Thanks for the tip.
unnoticed work. That's awesome!Hey @goldendawne, this is such good information to know! I like the way you organize it all to; I'm obviously not curating, but I often have about 20 tabs open on my laptop and sometimes totally lose track of what's what. I never thought of just copy/pasting under separate headings. So simple, but so organized!! And I really like how you want to showcase really good
I applied to qurator last week and was denied due to improper image sourcing, so I'd love if you had a second to look at my latest post to see if I did it all correctly...because I will be reapplying in a couple weeks. I know you have so much on your plate, but I read through the comments here and saw how you told @maverickinvictus how you like to keep busy, so, I'd hate for you to ever get bored ;)
Thanks a million! Cheers:)
That post has the correct sourcing. I know they (steemcleaners) has been becoming more strict with image sourcing as well as some of the curation pages.
But yes, I would re-apply if I were you. Using a post like the one you linked here for me would be perfect to showcase.
Hey thank you so much for the taking the time to go have a look! I really appreciate it and thank you for the feedback!
As long as I know what the 'rules' are, I've got no problem following them;) And yes, I will apply in another week or so.
Thanks again, Cheers!
Great insights. Got a glimpse of how curation is done and its criteria. 😊
Seems a heavy workload.
It can be, but being organized and having an eye for certain things really helps.