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RE: Thoughts from a curator

in #curation7 years ago

A sad truth but yeah. I am just new here on steemit and at first I was passioned to write quality contents. Brain storming and hours spent just to make a good post. Everyday I am determined to make a content and make it sure to look good. Text Styling, Headings and Titles are well thought. But you know what I discovered as time goes by @acid? It is sad but it is true that it doesn't really matter if you made a good content or not, what matter is who is supporting you and how much you bid to bots for your post. And quality contents are less rewarded and less valued (Though not really all but most). I have already seen great authors that makes great contents but it never works for minnows. Minnows are struggling to make it here on steemit. I myself struggle a lot but I find it enjoyable to make blogs for it is what I want 😀 I enjoy writing and posting. Like a diary, in steemit where I write what my life is doing. That joy keeps me here on steemit.