
I know. I find it very intriguing that "themes" like this will emerge all together in a day's submissions. I've even remarked about it in the past.

Is it the natural order of relevancy to the group? Or an even more preemptive mass consciousness bringing things out at a similar moment almost serendipitous-ly? Hmmmm...

Personally, I think it's the latter. Something in "the energy" at that time turns people's thoughts to certain matters ... and they start working with it individually -- to solve a problem, bring it to awareness, make their own personal decisions, etc.

It really is as if The Universe hands us "themes" to work with -- and those who are more acutely tuned to this stream of information pick up on that -- and run with it. This also fits with my general beliefs about my own areas of strong interest ... but I admit, there may be other things at work to create this effect.

It all kind of echoes Jung's thoughts about The Collective Unconscious. Sometimes ... it's not so "unconscious" ... and not all that hidden, is it?

Agreed, agreed! I really do think we are very similar, in a general regard, collectively, to most all the other (probably all) natural systems we have discovered here on our planet. There's to much commonality to ignore. With all that said, yes there seems to be a driving, "hidden," unconsciously consciously force behind how things come about on the macro-civilization level. Also, only recently have we had the population and technology to observe such phenomena :).