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RE: Elimination of Curation Rewards

in #curation8 years ago

What I think should be done though is replace curation rewards with activity rewards

I agree with that.. but the problem is, how this would be measured? The thing is, this cannot be automated, because if this will be... then bots will try to do everything to be counted as active user.

IMO true activity is when people are discussing with each other. I would prefer to move all funds from voting rewards to rewards for comments. If users are active in comments, then they will have a possibility to be rewarded for that.


Yea i see your point and concern. I fewl that the curation reward system is trying to solve a problem thats not even a problem. I think we should just do the easy and simple thing and then react if there are problems.

As an example whAtw we need is for people tonshow up
Every day in the site, be active read content, vote and comment. So why not gove rewards for users that show these activities?!?! Yes this can be games by bots. But lets not assume every user is going to abuse until we actually see the abuse be an issue.

Instead we have created a system that incentivices people to vote in a way that completely changes the most important things users are doing: telling the network what they like to a financial game that is best played by an algo/bot.

I would simply give rewards to users that show up daily, vote and comment. But let users comment and vote how they wish.