My Curie Curation Journal - Update

in #curation6 years ago

It has been months since I posted one of My Curie Curation Journals. I do apologize for everyone who actually enjoyed them when I was posting them. I just got so wrapped in doing so many things that it fell off the radar. I do not know if I will start it back up again as I haven't even managed to write a normal post in nearly three months, let alone this weekly feature.

I did want to take a couple minutes and get you all a little updated on how things have been going. So many great things have happened since my last journal post, as well as some not so great things.

Let me start at the end - I am currently NOT an active Curie Curator. This was due to a stupid mistake on my part as far as how what my acceptance rate was for the month of April, combined with a rule change that occurred at the same time. The Curie month ends at 15:00 UTC on the final day of the month. This is something I have known all along. My problem presented itself when April 1st turned out to be a Sunday, which is the start of the Curie week. This led me to not count two posts from Saturday March 31st. This meant that my math was now wrong and I fell below the 60% acceptance rate required to keep my status as Curie Curator. That coupled with the fact that new curator recommendations had been closed indefinitely the day before and I am now on the outside looking in.

No worries though, I am still a part of Curie and doing things outside of every day curating. I will wait for recommendations to reopen and then I am sure one of the Top Curators will get me back in.

My last journal was posted right around the week I became Top Curator. It was a fun ride of a week or two. As one of the Top Curators for a week I was able to recommend a new curator. I went with @llfarms, someone I didn't really know at all. Our main interactions were in the #curation_links channel on the Curie Discord server. It has become a great tool to find prospective curators and teach them as much as possible about being Curie Curators. Since its inception the links room has produced a number of very talented people who are now full fledged Curie Curators.

Back to my nominee, @llfarms . She had been amazing as a curator. When we recommend new curators we are eligible to receive two levels of rewards based on their performance. The first recommendation reward is currently 100 Steem and is achieved when our nominee maintains a Curator Score of 1 or higher for at least 4 of their first 6 weeks as a curator. The second reward, The Big Reward is awarded if your nominee manages to become Top Curator for 4 our of their first six weeks. I believe just 3 people have ever collected that reward. It is very hard to do. @llfarms easily secured the 100 Steem reward for me in her fourth week. Then in her fifth week she took her curation to another level. She became a Top Curator for the week for the first time. I say for the FIRST time because she is now in her fourth straight week as Top Curator, a feat also not often accomplished. Top Curators can change every week based on performance.

She just finished her eighth week as a Curie Curator - 4 (and counting) of those weeks have been as Top Curator. This week she stepped it up once again. She finished 15/15! That is a number I have never seen achieved before, not sure if it has been done or not, but at the very least it is rare. She also finished as the #1 Curator for the week with that performance. Aside from her excellent performance as a Curator, I am happy to say, now eight weeks later Justine and I are friends as well.

Another thing I have been doing since the #curation_links channel has opened is teaching/mentoring many curators. This is of course something I had started doing prior to the channel, but it is now on a new level. I am very proud of many of the new curators that I have been working with. Another of them has already achieved Top Curator status for a week. Another is on the verge of securing his own first week as Top Curator, it definitely won't be long. I was able to actually get one of the curators I have been working with in as a Community Curator for the Gaming sub-community, where he is still getting settled in. All of the others are always improving and learning, and managing to hit their numbers to remain among the Curie Curator ranks and avoid the misfortune I have had. One of the best things about them all is, they are helping each other continue to learn as well, and also passing on what they've learned to the next batch of Prospective Curators now patiently awaiting a time that they can officially join Curie.

Along the way I have also started writing the Curie Author Showcase posts. @carlgnash originally did the Showcase when it was once a week. We then expanded to twice a week to cover more of the exceptional posts Curie upvotes every week. I volunteered to do the second one, and Carl jumps right on board with the idea and pushed to have me do it. As always Carl has made wonderful things happen for me. Now that Carl's responsibilities have expanded into being a Curie Reviewer I have started to write both of the weekly Author Showcase posts. You can check out Friday's Author Showcase post here. It really is something that I enjoy doing. I love being able to shine a bit more of a spotlight on some of the exceptional posts we upvote every day.

I might not be able to be out there submitting all your great posts for a Curie vote at the moment (although the phrase "I know a guy" comes to mind as I have many friends who I could still send the link to when I see a great one), but I am still here pushing to make Curie better, and in turn make the blockchain better.

That's all for now. Hopefully I won't wait as long before posting an update again.

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
-Mark Twain


Well the just made me all misty eyed! Thank you so much for the kind words and your constant encouragement. I couldn’t have done any of this without you and am so lucky to have not only as a mentor, but as a friend as well. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

The second reward, The Big Reward is awarded if your nominee manages to become Top Curator for 4 our of their first six weeks.
It should be out of instead of our of.

Não sou nada.
Nunca serei nada.
Não posso querer ser nada.
À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo.

Álvaro de Campos, one of the heteronyms of the great Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (I just love his work)

Free translation by me:
I am nothing
I will never be anything but nothing
I should never dare to be anything but nothing
Apart from that, I have within myself all the dreams of the world.

(not that my English is perfect, far from being perfect. But I hope you get the meaning of it)