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RE: Do you want to increase the chance of a whale voting your post? Try to not selfvote nor use bidbots in the first 30 minutes!

in #curation7 years ago

There's strategies to upvoting? XD

I probably should care about curation rewards but I thoroughly don't, I'm just a 1-3c spatter cannon ;D



Hey!I just went to your profile to see what was new and see what i could vote but there is nothing new :( perhaps you want to join the contest I started and have an excuse to post :P Voted this comment as there was nothing in your blog.
Yeah its crazy hug? Strategies everywhere about everything!

This time of year gets crazy! So my blogs and my AER project tend to get sorely neglected :< I've just done a homeschooling post though, have recently made accounts for my kids so whatever sbd I get from it will be split between them :)

The end of year stuff is over now, just have some Christmas presents to finish making (which will hopefully be done today or tomorrow because I need to order them and then post one of them on after checking to make sure it's okay!) so hopefully I'll have a bit more time to work on things that I want to post about :)


I use steemit to assign school work for my son, it is 10% of his English Grade. I give him the freedom to post what he wants to post about. He recently cashed out for the first time and got something he has been wanting for a while but Mom wouldn't buy it because of the cost.

I don't do grades. They are kind of motivated by the wallet for similar reasons though :) Only problem is once they get on the computer to write a post Youtube and games are much more enticing and interesting, sigh :)


Money hasn't never motivated my son, well at least till recently. I think him seeing a good amount has changed his view, but I knew it would be a good way to him to save and I knew the only way he would post regularly is if I made it apart of his grade. I told him it was 10% but I am only grading on participation if he makes a post daily he gets the points. We didn't do grades till High School. We started doing grades for transcripts purposes. He might need transcripts for a job or if he decides to go the traditional University route to further his education.