How will the posts, acknowledged by this guild, be rewarded?
Posts will be sorted by the amount of comments they receive. A simple program can do this. From highest to lowest.
Then, the next step would be a human Engagement Team to look through say the top 50 or so highest engagement posts. People looking at the comments to make sure they are from humans, not bots. If a post has a bunch of bot comments, then they are scrapped from the High Engagement list. Also, if there are a bunch of fake comments, like "good job sir", those won't really count either. Long form, real human comments will be the indicator and that's why a human team of engagement specialists will be necessary in order for this success.
Think of this phase as training wheels. Once the way of engagement is established and people know what pays, then they will not try to game the system because there will be no reward for it. Humans still need jobs, and work within any automated system to ensure that the proper metrics are being rewarded.
A whale or whales SP would need to be utilized in order for this to become a reality....
Yes, overlord's SP for a substantial reward :)
Part of checking the comments can be done by bots. You know, bots controlling bots ... Like producing a validity score for human comment to filter out obvious bots' generated comments.
Yes! exactly. Bots sniffing out the rear ends of other bots and then throwing those into a "bad bot" garbage disposal. cheetah and other good bots would be exempt...on a whitelist.